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The post ur picture thread #2


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Originally posted by Redwing

Teddy: Kill the beard! XDB]


What does XD mean?


It seriously gets bad at times. I hate it when food gets stuck in it which does happen when it is long. I think the longest I had it I looked like a Caussack (sp? - Those Russian people). It was about 6 inches long except around my mouth which I trimmed. I had a girl friend come over and she even braided it one time it was so long.


The beard is gone now. Too hot for it now.



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Originally posted by Darklighter

Yowsers, haven't seen you in a decade Elegy:eek:

Yeah, I've kinda fallen out of the loop of gaming for awhile. I got me a new project in my driveway. A 1985 Mustang GT. Been spending all my time and money lately modding this thing up for the track.

Originally posted by PrimoSidone

and that one isnt?

Trust me. :p I might look like I'm drunk off my ass all the time, but when I really am wasted it looks pretty bad. :cool:

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Originally posted by -=K1ngPin=-

I swear Primo your looking more and more like him!





and i dont wanna be the guy who gets shot :p i wanna be the shooter... tell me i look more like joe or that henry :D

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Originally posted by PrimoSidone



and i dont wanna be the guy who gets shot :p i wanna be the shooter... tell me i look more like joe or that henry :D


Dude you look like Henry!! ;)

Nah seriously, wear a suit, comb your hair backwards, talk with a fat italian accent and you'll fit right in with the rest of the mob ;)

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Originally posted by BawBag™

Some.....interesting....pics of......body parts yes. :confused:


I would post a pic, but it would frighten small children....

(Yes you Z) :p (j/k fella) ;)


Don't apologize. He's short. He's 13. And, his voice hasnt changed. ;):p


Though Z, chances are all of that will change in a year, My voice only changed about 5-6 months ago, and I had a growth spirt about 5-6 months ago and I grew 5 inches. :)

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