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Just Got Home From The ER


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But i am very lucky my skull broke my fall.

That just cracks me up :rofl:


BL there man, the thing i just can't grasp is that you fell and no-one even stopped to even help you? When i fell out a window one time i knocked myself out and ended up with a gta3 style crowd around me :/


*gives iceman a complementary get well soon spoon replica gift*


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Well that sucks iceman. Flippin over the handle bars is not good. I fillped over my scooters handle bars and got a rock stuck in my flesh above the eyebrow. So ummn, what did the doctor say the injuries were. Im anxious to find out. Just to make sure youre not like dead:D


O, and on Thursday at camp. I was wrestling with friends at 11:58 PM. When suddenly i fell to the ground a guy landed on my head, and snapped my neck. I couldnt move it when suddenly another guy falls on my neck. Causing to to crash to the ground hitting my head on a rock. I blacked out for 5 seconds and awoke. I went to the nurses station. And i was spastick in the eye, and very out of it. I went to the ER, and it was determined that i had a small concusion on the upper left side of my fohead. And for some reason, the blow made it so everytime i heard really loud noises, i would get headaches. And considering it was a motocross and paintball christian camp, I had alot of them. So, it sucked. But not as bad as yours:p

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Originally posted by Father Torque

So ummn, what did the doctor say the injuries were. Im anxious to find out. Just to make sure youre not like dead:D


Well i was ripped up so bad he had the nurses bring in the stitching kits, i was like oh god no...needle....nooooo then they had to scrub my cuts (which hurt..alot) and clean them he said i didnt need stitches,I had a mild oncussion & he was suprised i didnt break anything. but i have contusions, cuts, and bumps 'n bruises everywhere, and apparently i cut the back of my head open, i didnt even know i did. i just have VERY bad road rash. and i am sore.


But while i was in Trauma, a girl (about 15) came in next to me. they didnt pull the curtain closed and i saw everything, her face was cut up BAD i thought she got in a fight with a lawn mower and lost, but apparently she was on rollerblades, going downhill and she hit a rock and did a face plant on th asphalt and rolled the rest of the way down and hit her face in gravel, they pulled rocks out of her eyes and face, and i found out she had broken her back also. she was very messed up.

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Eep. o.O You see, this is why I'm afraid of bikes. :D


I hope you get better soon ^^



Originally posted by iceman87

He Gave Me 2000 Gil :)


Sure it wasn't an anonymous user? Cuz I think automated thingys like that sometimes pass through Chris' account. ^_~

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get better soon, soon i say, say i soon. Now get well :D

ive been in 'ER' 3 times. first when my brother threw siccorers at me, and went through my leg. the second when, for some god forsaken reson my throat and nose got mixed up creating a huge hole in some upper part of my nose (out of site luckly) which mademe have oh so many nose bleeds and the tendancy to get bits of what i was eating coming out my nose eg. choclet cake. The last was when my younger brother threw a goal post at me. As yo can guess my little brother realy doesnt like me :p

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Originally posted by iceman87

where i've been all day


i was riding down the street on the sidewalk at about 20mph and 3 girls were taking up the whole sidewalk so i jumped off the sidewalk from the curb to the bike lane, when i landed i landed hard and hit my front brake, which has no rubber so the metal caught on metal and i flew over the handle bars, i landed on my head (no helmet) and rolled to my back, skid for about 15 feet on my back and the bike landed on me, i was in the right lane and almost hit by a car, i stood up pumped with adreneline and got to the side walk then i fell over because i had no use of the left side of my body, i was gushing blood out my back and ankle, i couldnt move and after about 5 minutes i stood up and fell right back down, a car stopped and called an ambulance, then David (my friend) called my parents, when the ambulance showed up they cut my shirt off (bastards) and took me to merle west (K-falls Hospital). the doctor said i fractured my lower back and might have ruptured my kidney, when they took x-rays they found out i didnt fracture my back and i was very lucky to have survived. i was in truama all day and had nurses with me the whle time dressing my wounds, i have my right wrist ripped up, right forearm shredded, right & left shoulder cut, left flank ripped up, and right lower back with a deeeep gash, they had to use these tweezer things to get all the rocks out. and i have two very deep cuts on my left ankle. But i am very lucky my skull broke my fall.

So Now i can barely walk. cant sit and my back is still bleeding.


anyway HOW was your day?


*wags finger*


Always wear a helmet!

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