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Pic done by your self.


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If you stop cry-babying about it, that will change over time. You did something less than honest. If you don't like how people reacted, take that to heart. Remember it the next time you consider taking credit for other people's work...


But nonetheless, I'm sure ever one here is more than willing to forgive you. Even me, and I'm a nazi when it comes to honesty.


Either way... these one sentence posts need to stop -_-

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Reclaimer. It wasn't a good thing u did taking credit for other peoples work and trying to guilt us won't work either. Say whatever the you want. Committing suicide is your decision, it'll be a freakin STUPID decision but telling us about it and trying to guilt us won't solve anything just apologise for ripping other peoples work and never do that sort of thing again. Like some other people have said we're willing to forgive you but we can't overlook the fact that you've done something like this. We're sorry to hear about your parents and how much life must seem to suck for you, believe me a lot of ppl think life sucks too hell even i do, and i have my reasons for thinking that, but trying to make us forget what you had done by guilting us will not work.

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One condition?! You're not in a position to be demanding anything, buddy.


I'm freaking speachless.


I told you, just go back to blending into the crowd >.< Don't make your DEATH WISH a freaking Geneva Convention. Just do it like anyone else would: Start a new topic "Help with sig pics!" or do a google search on Photoshop tutorials.


But for the love of god, don't demand something from me so that you won't OFF YOURSELF. Cause I'll help you hold the gun to your head.

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I really suggest you start a new thread for this... You won't get half the help possible when it's burried in this thread.


Try getting the PSP8 demo. Here


PSP8 is basically the same thing as Photoshop. Photo editing. So try that if you can't get PS to work.


After that, start a new thread or google it...

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i am going to kill my self.




Oh please dont for my sake....Ive always loved you....and now that your going to kill yourself...i dont know what to do! :p




on one condisision.I want a guide on how to make sig pics.


Ok. Whats next want to become a mod or admin....


Here are some Tutorials for Beginers if your serious.























And if your serious about Drawing, get your "fake" parents to sign you up for lessons.




Man...I wish i could be there when his "fake" parents see this.

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