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Good Move for Lucas Arts...or not?


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Hey...Who here thinks it would be a good move for lucasarts if they update Monkey Islands 1 and 2 with voices and to work out of DOS (e.g.: Windows 98, 2000, Me). Personally, I think it would be worth it. I'd definately buy it.




p.s. Lucas Arts should give a new Windows version of Sam and Max Hit the Road™ when Freelance Police™ comes out...

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If they were to add voices, I'm sure they'd update graphics and stuff too.


A fully Windows compatible version seems very likely though, seeing the Entertainment Pack which was released a while back did just that for other games.

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Originally posted by RemiO

seeing the Entertainment Pack which was released a while back did just that for other games.


which for your information included a fully windows compatible version of Sam and Max Hit the Road, and it was great!


I agree with the windows compatible evrion of MI1 & 2, but I'm not too sure about better graphics and voices. The graphics seem to be okay at the moment, I like the way the simplicity works. And voices? Well, while Dominic Armato is great as Guybrush in MI3 & 4, I really think he'd spoil MI1&2, they're just not meant to have voices and a lot of jokes wouldn't work as well. remember, if we were to read the text, we would hear it in our head, but we would all hear it differently, so suddenly, a voice comes along to tell you how to hear it and it spoils it for us. we already know how the dialogue goes in our minds, so voices would change that.


Of course, it they did do it, I'd be compelled to buy it out of sheer curiosity, but i can't think of it being any better than the original.

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I agree with the windows compatible evrion of MI1 & 2, but I'm not too sure about better graphics and voices.


while Dominic Armato is great as Guybrush in MI3 & 4, I really think he'd spoil MI1&2, they're just not meant to have voices and a lot of jokes wouldn't work as well. remember, if we were to read the text, we would hear it in our head, but we would all hear it differently, so suddenly, a voice comes along to tell you how to hear it and it spoils it for us.


Aha! Pulled STRAIGHT out of my head, those ideas are. Actually, yes, I would LOVE a Windows compatible MI1 and MI2. Recently, I've been trying to play those on Windows XP (along with Loom) and none have worked correctly. I have a computer in the depths of my basement with Windows ME; and I must risk life and limb to go down there and play my old LucasArts games (For some reason, MI1, MI2, and Loom don't work on XP, but do on ME. I'm sure there's a good explination, but I have yet to see it).




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Ernil, try LEC Quick and Easy for all your XP-related needs. If you can't be bothered with all that VDMSound rubbish, ScummVM works just as well now. Either way, it's less hassle than trying to use Windows ME, I'm sure. :)


Official up-to-date-computer-compatible versions of MI1 and MI2 would still be great though, even though LucasArts' stubbornness over ScummVM would mean they're basically duplicating work already done for them. (Hah.) And they should release them for free because they're such nice guys!


Back in the real world, I don't really see the point of adding voices and stuff. This would appeal only to:

a) diehard fans

and b) people who would then go on to say "d00d this suxx its only got 256 colours" - it should either have a complete remake, presumably in 3D because we all know how great that is, or be left alone.


Total generalisation, obviously, but you can't polish a turd. Not that MI1&2 are turds. And if they were, they would be very nice turds indeed.

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Arr...thankee. I'll try this Quick and Easy as soon as Jon Natvig returns my Monkey Island 1/2 cd. I believe he's had it for...8 months now. Darn, I miss it.





and ps....



Back in the real world, I don't really see the point of adding voices and stuff. This would appeal only to:

a) diehard fans


i consider myself a diehard fan, and voices would not amuse me for MI1 and MI2. Just a thought.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I must say, that the MI1 and MI2 scripts were written to be read and not listened to as the technology for voice acting couln't be used at the time. And I think that new graphics and a non-scumm interface would ruin the atmosphere for me as it would make the games too different.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Skinkie

If they were to remake Monkey Island games (not that they should) but if they did, they should remake 1,2, and 4 in the style of Curse of Monkey Island cause they backgrounds and voices were so perfectly suited to it.


exactly what i wanted to say.

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As much as I'd be thrilled to see it happen, it'd be a horrible move for LucasArts... from a business standpoint, anyway. PC games don't make much these days unless they're The Sims or Doom 3 (projecting here, cut me some slack :-). The sales numbers just aren't there. Voice recording and editing is a substantial chunk of an adventure game's budget, especially one so dialogue intensive as a Monkey Island game. They barely sell enough to make the NEW adventure games worthwhile... but to try to rerelease a 15 year old game and recoup the voicing costs is... well... begging for a lot of red numbers on the balance sheets.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If people can't get MI 1 + 2 to work in XP, they should try using ScummVM - it's great :)

But my versions of monkey 1 + 2 work on windows XP... They r the CD version...

And i think monkey island would be quite good if they remade it with voices...

Because even if they did then people who didnt like the voices can still use the original games, or just disable the voices...

As for improved graphics...

hmmm, maybe but i dont know if it would give the same feel...

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