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The last jedi knight???


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Originally posted by Emon

I sure hope JA is the last JK game. LEC should let the JA editing community thrive for years as Jedi Knight did, then let it die and rest peacefully.


I hear KotOR is nearly as epic and incredible as the original trilogy, because there's so much more they can do with all that time and aren't bound to restrictions like the JK games are.

I have to admit that Jedi Knight did die and rest peacefully. It was and still is a great game. If JA went out that way, I would be glad that it went that way.


KOTOR looks good though. Going to buy that. And a prequel seems more logical in continuing the JK series. I mean, we got Kyle Katarn's story. It's pretty much over for him after JA. Though it will be sad for him to leave :( I vote for a Prequel! :D

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Well, I hope that JA certainly is the end of the series for now. I would rather have a PRE Episode 1 FPS in which sets eyes on lightsabers on a new engine than this happening for DF3.



I don't want JA to be the end honestly, i'd like to control Kyle when that happens ( Im sick of Kyle...but only for now). But I don't want to see Kyle for another 4 years or so ^_^.


I think that Star Wars: Republic Commando is using the UT2k3 engine, and preview thingar looks nice. But I would like no more to do with the lightsaber system for JA/JO if they used a Doom 3 engine or something to that nature.


Don't get me wrong! The saber system certainly is great, but if a new game came out on a new engine, im expecting a few years or so for the game to come out. And me seeing some of the same moves as JA would not please me, even if they were spectacular.



I hope that the next major "Lightsaber" focused game is set in a KOTOR type timeline.



had plenty of lightsaber fights, and they did it in such a way that was cool and wasn't really expected. So whenever I saw a dark jedi I was more like " oh crap I didn't expect that" unlike with JO. And it was also fun to fight non lightsaber wielding characters. Unlike JO, where as soon as I got my lightsaber I was ready to fight Reborn every 5 seconds.


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It would be incredibly cool if you got to play as one of Jerec's minions, or another dark Jedi or Sith, anywhere in the timeline. LEC did this for TIE-Fighter, and that turned out to be an incredible success. It's gotten a ridiculous number of Game of the Year and Best Game Ever awards it's not even funny. It's also argued to be the best space simulation ever created.

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Originally posted by Andy867

Star Trek with "Enterprise" (Ducks the avid flames from anti-star trek fans)


I didn't finish Dark Forces


What do you guys think?


Well, I think you'd be better to watch out for not finishing Dark Forces ;) ... from the Enterprise folks you should watch out for projectile vomiting ... :D


There are a couple of things in your idea - one I could see a 'Dark Forces IV: Kyle Katarn, Rebel Mercenary' taking place during the OT and putting Kyle as a gun weilder into various semi-familiar situations. It would be interesting if he got some amount of Force powers slowly during the game - ending up <level one, perhaps only speed and sense, and possibly aim. In Shatterpoint, the recent Mace Windu novel, Mace can sense the aim points of blasters ... cool.


The other one would be some type of Jedi-oriented game ... that would be much tougher. You could easily do something say 25 - 50 years before Episode I, and then you'd have to visit the Jedi Council and such ...



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To be quite honest, I like Kyle to a point, but I wouldn't want to have to try to prolong his life span. Lets not go prequel with Kyle, lets just do sequels, until there is nothing more to really be done ( which hopefully is JK3).



Like I said, don't get me wrong, but a new fps concerning guns only should really just have someone else in it. Maybe you could be a rookie stormtrooper on his rise to admiral, or a rookie rebel. But an FPS is already being made ( which im sure will be guns only), called Republic Commando ( I think this is correct), and you are a clone trooper. Which will bring more battles and warish scenes imo. Hopefully we'll see actual gameplay footage or screens soon.


Concerning a more lightsaber oriented game, I don't think ANYTHING after ROTJ would be a good idea really. Or anything in between ANH and ROTJ. All you manage to do is make extremely stupid ideas as to why your jedi is fighting other dark jedi.

( DF2 had a good idea that I liked, but its been used, and can be used no more.)


They could probably find a rational reason, but why not simply do a clonewars or something near the KOTOR timeset. Then you wouldn't have to come up with bogus stories ( I mean...come on, it's obvious the only reason clones were used in JO was so that they'd have an excuse to throw saber wielding enemies toward you.).


But if they used the Clone Wars timeline, they could obviously say that at least a few jedi fell to the darkside in such dark times. And while you wouldn't face to many Dark Jedi, you'd at least face a few, perhaps as bosses. And anywhere near the KOTOR timeline pretty much MUST have dark jedi present, so its sugar sweet anyway you look at it.

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Personally, I think it's a welcome change to have Kyle as a master in JA. He's not a 'real' Jedi, but a bit unpredictable, which other Jedi also had, suchs as Qui-Gon Jinn :) I think I'll have more sympathy for him in a master role, instead of a playable Jedi!

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Originally posted by Emon

It would be incredibly cool if you got to play as one of Jerec's minions, or another dark Jedi or Sith, anywhere in the timeline. LEC did this for TIE-Fighter, and that turned out to be an incredible success. It's gotten a ridiculous number of Game of the Year and Best Game Ever awards it's not even funny. It's also argued to be the best space simulation ever created.


I totally agree...and I was going to post something along those lines until I saw you'd brought it up.


There's no reason at all why you could not have a Dark Jedi game, where as an apprentice you discovered old Sith relics and from the very beginning of the game, you learn all of the old Sith ways, becoming a Sith Lord, and then actually have to find a suitable recruit to act as your own apprentice. That way...you would have plenty of 'light' Jedi to battle (those who have gone through Luke's Jedi Academy), and the aim of the game would be to carry out some nefarious plan. And because the Sith are secretive, working in the shadows to fulfill their ends, you could incorporate a lot more stealth into the gameplay, and manipulation of innocents to your own ends.


There is just so much scope to become a Dark or Fallen Jedi, and of course you could explore a few 'dark' scenarios to continue the JK series.


And the natural 'further' progression for the 'light' Jedi is to move away from tons of saber combat...and place the Jedi back into the role of peace-keepers and envoys. Using your lightsaber to defend others from non-Jedi opponents, and using your Force powers more often to your advantage in difficult situations. It might not sound as much fun as hacking and slashing your way through hordes of Dark Jedi...but with a solid plot and game mechanics, it would be no less enjoyable in my view. I don't see a reason why there cannot be a return to having just a small handful of dark Jedi opponents, even less than we saw in JK, because you can set the game up in such a way that you can encounter the same Dark Jedi a few times. After all, that happened with Yun in JK (if you chose the Dark path). And in Episode I, Qui-Gon tackled Darth Maul on Tatooine and then escaped to fight another day. There's no reason why your 'light side' character could not suffer crushing defeat at the hands of a Dark Jedi, but manages to escape to fight again...and perhaps even a third time.


So in my view it doesn't have to be lots of Dark Jedi coming at you...just a few really tough ones who can escape, and then pop up later on. Meanwhile, they can be engaged in some other 'dark' plan to attack the New Republic, and try to swing the balance back in favour of the 'Remnant', or establish their own 'New Order' (not Force sensitive - just a large army of fanatics like the Empire was before)...


Again, there is a great deal of scope.


So the bottom line is...I really hope Jedi Academy is not the last game in this series, because with continued creativity, they can introduce fresh ideas, and move away from scenarios already explored in the previous games. It just takes imagination, and the will to succeed.

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Uh, errrr, I mean...


I don't think it would be a good idea to introduce the Yuzzhan Vong or any other NJO aspects into the series. For one thing, many folks haven't read the NJO books and would be confused with the changes. Furthermore, a sizable portion of Star Wars fans (myself included) do not like the NJO series and would not buy any Star Wars game that would have that trash. (I mean "content ;) ) Anyway, I know that the Vong issue has been addressed before in other threads, so I won't beat a dead horse.

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Originally posted by Reprehence

I too would like to see something from before ANH - maybe set 10 years before phantom menace - you could apprentice with Yoda or something.

I like the idea of playing a JK-style games based at that time, but I don't want it to be a part of the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series. To me JK is about Kyle at various stages of his life (even if it is only as an NPC instructor). If the game is going to be moved out of that timeframe and doesn't involve Kyle, I'd rather if be under a different series.


Originally posted by Patton

When are they going to start making games based on the NJO series? The Yuuzhan Vong are rough, tough, we've never fought them before (in a game) and with the amphistaffs, there's plenty of chances for duels, etc.

Have a look around these boards for discussions about why the Vong might not be viable for a Star Wars game from a marketing perspective.
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HEEEEEERes an idea:


some uber-dark jedi bombs yavin 4 eliminating all jedi save kyle and himself. Then kyle and uber-dude fight on uber's ship, kyle kills uber, then the ship blows up ELIMINATING ALL JEDI LIGHT AND DARK THEREFORE ENDING STAR WARS!! (save prequals etc.)


*looks around, very frightened, as many sw fans emerge from the shadows too beat the living daylights out of me*

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When are they going to start making games based on the NJO series? The Yuuzhan Vong are rough, tough, we've never fought them before (in a game) and with the amphistaffs, there's plenty of chances for duels, etc.


If they were to make an NJO based game with the Yuagsgfha (whatever) Vong, it most certainly couldn't be a Jedi Knight game. Why give the player all these cool Force powers when they'd be mostly useless? Unless maybe the player Jedi has miraculously found a way to use the Force against the Yuzedaha (whoever) Vong, but never got around to telling anyone about it for some reason, but that would just be stupid. A fighter sim would be a much better choice for an NJO based game.

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You obviously wouldn't only be fighting the Vong, there are other things to fight as well, including humans and quite possibly stormtroopers if it comes down to it. The game would either have to be an extremely long FPS or long rpg though.


Also, some of the force powers wouldn't be completely useless against them. Not to mention I for one would rather see an enemy that would beat me with sword play alone ( The Vong), than some dinosaur that spams force powers at you ( Desann).

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