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Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour


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Deac: Whatever I can.


*He takes the commlink*


Deac: Attention all forces below, this is Colonel Deac Starkiller. Cease fire! Everybody! The situation here is being misinterperated. The Senate has betrayed us. This is not something that can be solved here. Please, listen to me. This is a hospital you're firing on. Since when did the New Republic kill it's own citizens? Or have we become the empire?

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((where is Kioet? =\ ))


Warp Space


Aren: Perhaps we could resume this conversation later? *She hands Farran a datapad with a set of coordinates, and another to Artemis and Kioet*


Aren: If you want answers, if you accept our offer, be there in a week. Kioet, your requests will be accounted for by that time unless you've changed your mind.


*The doors of the small room slide open*


Aren: You know the way to your ship. Please, consider carefully. *She smiles*

((red, is that the last place he was at?))
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Fused Irvine *shouting to deac* "How about his Starkiller! I've been recently became aggitiated at something earlyer, so anyone who doesn't comply to you I get to slaughter!!!" 'Damn vangaurd, damn Ravan. But then yet again, I have bigger fish to fry...'

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*Some of the soldiers start putting their weapons down. The commander, who knows the true nature of the mission objects, but he is overwhelmed and relieved of command by the soldiers.*

New commander *though bullhorn*:Whoever is in there, you can come out now, we will not shoot, or arrest you.

*The group slowly comes out. Showing that they have no weapons.*

Commander: I'd recommend you get off-planet soon, if what the Colonel said is true.

Clark *Through comlink*: OK, can you get off planet?

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Fused Irvine "I request in diplomatical purposes, My name is Irvine Palpatine, son of the Emperior. I am in need of transportation off this planet. If there is any doubt of who I am, I am fully willing to offer to be examaned for genetic linage."


*Points to the well shot at by blasterfire, Hospital.*


Fused Irvine *said with a smile* "That is if the facilities are still in working order."

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*Fused Irvien couldn't but think about the soldiers having almost no clue about him, yet they believed that he was loyal to his father.*


Fused Irvine "Thank you. I'm sure that maybe there might be some reward to this, but I doubt that there would be one in the short term."

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*Cracken's cloak billowed in the wind, his eyes tried keeping up with the terrain as it wizzed by, but to no avail. the dark forces here blurred his senses at this speed except his connection to the Force. His son, behind him. he could feel his sons fear of this place, a welcome feeling. his son has begun, it was only a matter of time before he came back to reclaim his family's tradition. how soon, was another question entirely.


Cracken pushed a button on his speeder, only a few more minutes until he arived at the tomb he waslooking for. he tomb of Markos Ragnos. There, he would find the answeres he looked for. Somewhere, in that tomb, lay the dark spirit of one of the greatest Sith Lords to live in the galaxy, and he wold ask guidance and seek answers to this troublesome problem. One, get his daughter back, two, exterminate his enemies, namly Lokphiet. Lokphiet would tremble before Cracken and his family, broken, beaten, and his experiments and projects wiped from existance.


He felt a pang through the Force, Bilbringi was under siege, he felt suffering, painful deaths of many. Cracken frowned. Bio-weapons. the very weapons he banned from Imperial use when he took power. He would pay, mark his words...


Lokphiet would pay for his transgressions.


His speeder came to a halt, Irvine behind him. The stairs to the tombs entrance were many, more thn 600 feet high, but a Sith Lord overcame, and conquered. Cracken focused, and with one leap, using a combination of his new abilities and the Force, was at the entrance, his son at the bottom. Cracken pushed open the doors, and walked into the tomb. He waited for no one. if the boy was to follow, he'd follow on his own volition.


I'm here Ragnos, lead me to you. he called out silently through the Force, and the answer came. he moved forward, into the musty smell.....*



The fighters switched to destroy the missles, and were sucessful, but still one got through. One too many.


The bomb punched through the planetary defense shield, and hit a large population center. Those who didn't die from the impact started dying from the painful illness, convulsions, seizures, vomiting, pain.


On board the Titan Karrak frowned. He wasn't happy, and knew his Emperor would demand punishment for the destructionof the capital. he narrowed his eyes, slammed his fist down upon the console*


Engane emergancy quarentine procedures. Get medical emergancy staf in position. Quarintene the planet.

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*RH Irvine twinges also feeling the war at the Capital planet. He strains to keep everything out of his mind, he was driven for acceptence by his father, even if it would lead him to the ends of the galaxy if have to, but large doubt still laid before Irvine still...


Looking up at the high cliff, Irvine force jumps up and clings to the rock face, he then remembers his training with his Master. He loosens his grip on the rock face, and repositions his feet, all while using the force to keep him on the wall. And in one effort he force jumps higher up the rock face, grabing hold onto nearly flat rock still using the force to help, then another jump, and another. He eventually makes it up the tower.


He looks around, his father not in sight, although up head there was a large set of doors open. And he can sense his father up head, barely through the dark force the flowed around him.


He continued on.*

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Rwos: I need to meet with Odin within twelve hours, and I don't think he'll allow me to bring you along. We may need to separate for the time being. Hmmm... what happened to Flax and his Knights, anyway?


*A ship drops in behind Rwos. Rwos switches comm channels to answer the hail. Starr Hailfire had finally caught up with him.*


Starr: *on comm* Termand Rwos! By order of Lord Cracken, you are to come with me.

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