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Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour


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((Deac must have left Rwos' ship and Starr likewise.))


Fused Irvine "Deac Starkiller! Everytime I come and to think of what one word that could discribe you, it always comes to 'fool'. You are in no physical condition to fight, I can sense it. We all know that the force is boundless, but our mortal capasities, well, not. We are ment to one day become fallible, and die. I'd hate to see it this would be the day for someone of your repution meets his end on a foolish and reckless note."


*Fused Irvine turns and faces the airfield where the shuttle 'given' to him is nearing.*


Fused Irvine "I haven't given you a reason to be your enemy, Deac." *Said much much more silently.* "At least not yet..."

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((Minor error, I guess. ;)


Scar: Was Irvine talking to himself, or was the group supposed to hear him? :confused: ))



Starr: Deac Starkiller. Of course I remember you. How could I forget?


Rwos: What do you want, Starr? Rather, what does Cracken want?


Starr: His daughter is missing. He's ordered me to bring you to him.


Rwos: What do I have to do with this?


Starr: You are going to help him find her.


*Rwos glances at Deac*

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Deac: Why should I leave and help? In case you hadn't noticed. there's a civil war. Not just here, I've heard.


*A runner arrives at the group*


Runner: Colonel Starkiller! The Commander said you may want to see this...


*Hands Deac a datapad. A news broadcast is on*



Newsreader: ...current death total 4.7 Billion. Again, a Massive Imperial fleet has decimated the planet Bilbringi and it's surrounding shipyards and jumped to hyperspace before the defense could mobilise. Biochemical weapons, possibly the "Raging Death" may have been used...


*Newsreader holds his earpiece*


You're kidding me. What? We have pictures? Put them on?


*A video of Lokpihet appears. He looks older and more sullen. Deac's eyes widen in horror*



Deac:Cloning should be made illegal. B******d.

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Starr: If you don't want to come, fine. But Rwos is coming whether he wants to or not.


Rwos: I don't trust Cracken, and I already have prior engagements. My apologies, but I must refuse your request.


Starr: Lord Cracken will not be pleased.


Rwos: Pity. Give him my best regards. *to Deac* Seems that we have more problems to worry about than just the civil war...

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*Clark had tried to reach Greer, with no avail*

Clark: He must have turned it off.

*He turned on his datapad and saw a news report on the apparent betrayal of Admiral Ackbar and Crix Madine*

Clark: Well, we know greer got out, I guess all we have to do is get somewhere safe, and then meet him.

*Meanwhile the soldiers clear a space of the area and F. Irvine's ship lands. Meanwhile the commander had confirmed that Irvine was Cracken's son.*

Commander *To Irvine*: Do you need anything else?

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Deac: I have to finish my last asignment then: The Termination of Lokpihet Darkstar. You'd best meet Odin. No matter what he says, if it's serious, contact me. I'd best be off.


*Deac heads to find a ship*




Wild Space, SSD Lucifer


*Lokpihet watches the news broadcast*


Lokpihet: Heh. Cracken will be soiling himself when he sees this. Stormbaltz!


*General Stormbaltz enters*


Lokpihet: How did the convoy raid go?


Stormbaltz: Mission Successful sir, but we're going to need to capture a suitable planet to provide materials for the war effort...


Lokpihet: I know just the one...


*Lokpihet pulls up the Galactic map, and points to a mid-rim world marked "Atredis"*

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*Fused Irvine left orbit, strangely with little question, quickly he jumped into hyperspace before anyone would think of defering him from his plans.


During the trip, Fused Irvine made a stop to deal with the crew, jetisoning the corpses.


After that he sensed for someone that maybe prehaps he could ally himself with...


Coming into mind of the broadcast, Lokpihet seemed like a suitable partner.


He consentrated on searching the stars to find such person...*

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*Rwos watches Deac leave. Ignoring Starr, he gets back in his ship*


Rwos: *to Gilian* Can I ask you a favor?


Gilian: Of course. What?


Rwos: I need to meet with one of the bearers of the Blood Scrolls. Go with this man to speak to his master. Find out what he wants. If they try anything, well...I think you can guess.


Gilian: Right. Leave your comm on this time, please.


Rwos: I will. Thank you.


Starr: I was ordered to bring Termand Rwos to Lord Cracken, not one of his lackeys.


Rwos: She is my friend and I trust her. You can either bring her or bring no one.


*Rwos starts his ship and flies out into the atmosphere, leaving Gilian and Starr staring at each other. Gilian looks amused, Starr angry*


Gilian: *raising an eyebrow* So, where to?

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*Cracken's com chirrped, and he looked at it. It stated a reminder to tell Starr where he was. He took it, and opened an encrypted channel. He recorded a message, telling Starr to meet him at Korriban, with the co-ordinates in Sith language, a dead language only him and his apprentice. A language dead since the end of the Golden Age of the Sith, only now passed from Master to Apprentice.


Placing the comlink to his belt, he pushed forward into the tomb. The smell of dust and age of millenia filled the air, as he worked his way past coriddors and doors, letting the Force guide him.


For hours, it seemed he walked, not stopping, resting, boarderline running.


Then he came to his destination. The Great Chamber of Markos Ragnos. It was ornatly decorated, with precious metals from all over the galaxy decorating it. Before him, a grand statue of Markos Ragnos, Ragnos sitting, arm rested on the armrest, and his head on his clenched fist. The great Sith Lord he was looking for found.


Cracken instinctivly took a knee, and the menacing voice of Ragnos shook the chamber*


Ragnos: Rise, young Sith Lord, you have done well to keep alive the Order of the Sith. Your actions shall be remembered through out history, a hallmark of our proud tradition. Your training and skills are complete, a Sith Master and Lord you are, yet, somehow different than those before you. You have been bestowed a gift none before you have achieved.


Yet I know that is not why you have presented yourself to me, you wish to know how to use this gift with the Force. That I cannot tell you, however, I can pass along knowledge to achieve your greater goal.


You're daughter is sealed away, far from this plane. I had came across a device that had opened a rift in the dimensional barriers, all those years ago. A door, yet, something was on the other side. I closed it, yet thought I had made the galaxy safe for our Brothers of the Sith Order. I had hid it from my Brothers, seeing the corruption and decay of our Order was immenant, far beneith the sands of Korriban.


Yet in my time here observing the galaxy, I see my actions and haste cascaded into the Dimensional barriers decaying, Termand Rwos was the first, and scores after. The scourge of Coruscant, it seems, was the fault of my action. ((OOC:He means the vampire thing)) More, I fear, will try to use this weakness, and tear our galaxy apart.


Find this device, use it wisely, then destroy it, only you can with your power. Re-seal the dimensional barriers, so no-one can ever endager this dimension again. That is all.


*With that, Ragnos' presance was lifted off of Cracken's shoulders, like a 5 ton weight lifted off a man's shoulders. He rose, and traced his steps back out. He hoped his son would follow eventually. He pulled out his comlink, and Contacted the Devastator*


Cracken: I need excavation teams to look for any atrifacts buried beneith the wastelands or desearts of Korriban. Now.


*He shut off him com, and moved to the entrance. Soon, he would bring his daughter back.


And Lokphiet would fall the the Sith Order*

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*Irvine creeps up behind Cracken, he speaks to him now with a deeper voice.*


Irvine "How,... How could you keep something like that from me? A, a sibling!? What kind of a father are you? I practically threw myself and worshiped you, this is what i get in return!!?!!"


*Irvine ignites his Lightsaber and wildly swings it at Cracken. ((OOS: I assume that Cracken ignites his Lightfoil and blocks.)) Irvine doesn't pull back and swing again, keeping his teeth clenthed. He opens his eyes to stare at Cracken with eyes that seemed to glow the same color as his lightsaber.*


*Clearly it showed that the spark about hearing about Irvine having the knowledge of a sister kept from him ignited the fuel that the planet's cold surface was fulling with in Irvine's corrupting heart. He wasn't in control of himself.*

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((Going along with Admiral and Cracken's time skips here))


Alberich Nebulea


*Rwos' ship emerges from warpspace just outside the nebula. Rwos steers to meet the coordinates Odin had transmitted him*






*Starr's ship emerges from hyperspace in-system and heads planetside. Starr, with Gilian and still disgruntled, calls Cracken on his comlink*


Starr: *into comlink* My master, I apologize. I have only brought a..."friend" of Termand Rwos'. Rwos himself would not come. Rwos apparently believes that this friend of his will suffice for whatever we needed of him.

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((I see cracken played JA))


Alberich Nebulea


*A messanger enters Odin's office with news of Rwos's ship entering the system*


Odin: Good, Send out riders and have them escort him to the ship.


*The messanger bows and leaves the office to relay the orders. A minute later the riders and drakes leave the wild huntsman and quickly come upon Rwos's ship. One of the Riders contacts Rwos over the comm unit Odin gave him*


Rider: Good Evening Termand Rwos. We will be escorting you to Lord Odin.


*The Drakes move to either side of Rwos's ship and begin heading back to the Wild Huntsman.*



*In the Wild Huntsman Odin gets up and moves to a private lounge. There Vidar and Svafa were waiting for Odin*


Odin: Rwos and possible a companion will be hear shortly. Hopefully this meeting won't take to long and we can return home by the end of the day.

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SSD Lucifer


*Fused Irvine's comm channel is opened*


Lokpihet: I know you. You're Irvine's son....of sorts. What do you want from me?






Deac: You do know that Lokpihet is a sith lord, don't you? And quite a powerful one. I think it will require a lot to kill him.

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Fused irvine "I am in someway am, then yet again, in someways am not really his son. I could care less about him or the Empire. However something in the universe has caught my attention, then yet again with your repuation, maybe we could perhaps, discuss matters on a remote place, away from techology perhaps?"

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*Cracken blocks the blow with his light foil, and looks at his son as he speaks. He procedes to hurl him across the room, slamming him into a wall*


That knowledge i was to share with you at the proper time, Do NOT question my methods. You still have muchto learn about the Force, and it's workings, boy. In time, you shall become great, butstill, you have to learn more. Oh, for the love of the Force, don't try to do that pity guilt trip with me, I have higher orders, orders from the Force.


*his comlink chirpped, and he listened to Starr. Rwos' FRIEND!?! better than none, he supposed*


That will do. Meet me planet side at the co-ordinates I am sending to you, it's the entrance to a tomb here, where I will brief both of you.


*He cut his com, and looked at Irvine*


If you want to leave, be my guest, however, if you want to learn to harness your potential, I suggest you calm yourself a bit, and learn from my apprentice and I.


*He stalked out of the Hall, and quickly worked his way out, faster than before, as he knew the way*

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