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Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour


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((hey, all of us have ripped off of something at one point or another ;)


edit: BD, we time-skipped last page, but I'm pretty sure it was less than a week...why not have one of your other characters do something in the few days left? :p))


Alberich Nebulea


*Rwos makes some calls on his comlink*


Rwos: They'll be here as soon as they find teleporters. I assume you have translators as well.

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Rebuilt Cantina on Tatooine


*Kioet is drinking his last credits, almost literally*


Kioet: I hate making decisions. Everytime I decide something...


*Kioet finishes his drink, and takes notice of a young woman watching him*


Kioet: That's about it. I've just had it with people watching me like I'm some kind of experiment just ready to explode... I'm just about out of credits too, dammit...


Kioet: I'll do a little gamble..If I could convince this young woman who has the nerve to stare at me like that to buy me a drink, I'll take orders from Farran and Artemis for now on. If she refuses, I'll just kidnap and interrogate, then dispose if necessary.


*Kioet stands up, and walks towards the young woman*

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Deac: Why shouldn't there be? Cyborg alterations aren't illegal. Now, I will take anyone willing to help me on this one...


*A runner appears again*


Runner: Hate to be the bringer of bad news, but


*Hands Deac a datapad. Deac looks at it, drops it and turns to walk to his ship. A nearby Iron bar bends as Deac's rage grows.


On the screen is Lokpihet standing before the gates of Castle Starkiller, Atredis, with the Imperial Banner down

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*Fused Irvine arrives at the castle, and walks in with a little trouble, but then is followed by a pair of red guards as he walking into the main courtyard of Castle Starkiller.*


Fused Irvine "Pardon me if I'm wrong, but you do relise that Deac Starkiller, you know, whom used to be the owner of this place, will try and see to that nothing gets in his way in attempt to kill you....?"


*Fused Irvine bends down at a rose bush, and breaks off a rose stem, then smells it before it withers and decays into dust.*

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Lokpihet: Heh. A flaming rose. One of the old family symbols. That's the idea. I lure Starkiller in, and kill him


(Imperial March plays)




Deac: You want to come? Fine. Do things my way.

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Fused Irvine "Well obviously if you thought ahead, that he'd most likely bring his companions along maybe. And from what I've seen that he's obtained quite a few. Obviously you want Deac dead, thats all fine and dandy with me. Relise this, that stunt that you pulled at the Imperial Capital Planet would only strengthen Cracken's resolve to kill you too. You're not making too meny freinds lately..."


*Fused Irvine approches Lokpihet, while touching his hand on the same rose bush, which also withers and dies off.* ((No flame))

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Lokpihet: I'm not afraid to die. I welcome death. I have been denied it's sweet embrace three times, and am willing to move on. But I want to take them all with me first.




*Deac storms toward the dock*

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Fused Irvine "I admire you enthusasum, but why welcome all to try and kill you, but rather make sure that their graves are full?" *smiles*


"See, although I'm not prefectly agenst the Deac Starkiller, although I do have a personal score to settle, I am fully aware of Cracken's sights attempting to home in on myself, some time soon. How about we make a little deal? Seeing is that I'm the only one currently in this universe, that could could scratch Cracken, leaving you to personaly deal with Deac alone. Get rid of 'em both, and rule a piece of the galaxy along with it!"

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Lokpihet: That does sound like a good idea. That solves both our problems.


*Lokpihet drops the rose and crushes it with his foot*



Deac: Lokpihet......


*Deac storms aboard ship*

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((Isn't it almost cliffhanger time? Deac and Co. is going after Lokiphet, Dasken and Co. meeting Flax, F. Irvine and Lokiphet making plans, etc.))

*Clark and Co. boarded the ship. Clark and Caruso sat as pilot and co-pilot. They started up the engines and began inputting the coordinates.*

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((OOS: Sorry for the lack of/crappy replies, everyone - was in sortof an artistic rut for a bit ^^;;


Scar: First, Odin isn't super-powered like Cracken, second, why would Fused Irvine think so? And how does he know the name "Asgard"?


JM: Cliffhanger? Hm...maybe almost - has this thread played out its purpose yet? [if not lived up to its title, but that's Deac's fault :p;)]))


Alberich Nebulea


*After a few minutes, Rwos' friends walk in, escorted by Aesir. They bow*


Rwos: *looking somewhat surprised at their numbers* Lord Odin, this is *pointing to a human male Blade with black hair* Evan, *a female blue-skinned elf in a black suit* Trillan, *a male human with light brown hair and a brown coat*, Warren, *a bald male human with dark skin and African features* Nettle and *a female gargoyle with bright red skin and Asian features* Orion. *As another person, a female human Blade with long, slightly curly black hair, walks in carrying a bunch of equipment* Adriana, as well. *to the others* This is Odin, lord of the Aesir you've heard of. I'm surprised so many of you came.


Trillan: Nettle and I aren't staying. This little trip is very unsafe. We're just here to give you more backup in case the wrong people find out, and, well... Hope these people are worth it, Rwos.


Nettle: I'll stay in your ship. Trillan is going to go back over and keep watch. Make sure you've got your exits open. Good luck with whatever you're trying to do.


*Nettle and Trillan head for the exit, Trillan giving a look to the Aesir around her*




Cantina, Tatooine


*As Kioet heads for the woman, a man in a face-concealing mask huddled in a back seat of the bar presses a button on his comlink*

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((Red is right Scar. Asgard was never mentioned, and as far as Odin's powers are concerned, I don't really care how powerful Fused Irvines thinks they are. Mainly because it doesn't impact Odin at all))


Alberich Nebulea


*Einherjar escort Nettle and Trillan back to Rwos's ship. Two Einherjar remain at the door of the hanger standing guard.


Odin shakes his head at the number and the equipment. He is slightly amused. Two Einherjar take up a guard outside the door.*


Odin: Welcome. This is my son and daughter (motioning to Vidar and Svafa). Now if you would please set up what ever you need (motioning to the equipment). Speaking of which, what exactly do you have there?

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Adriana: That's okay, all I need to do is set it down. *as she does so* Sorry, it's just best not to make too many trips at this time...*looks at Rwos for any indication she should stop talking, and continues receiving none* This is just translation and analyzation equipment. If we need something decoded, read or compared with anything in our databases, we can do it here.


Orion: So. Rwos tells me you've been entrusted with some of the Blood Scrolls.

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