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Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour


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Flax: We'll just hit a few convoys, like in the old days. *Sighs.* I'f ypu'll excuse me I have a funeral to plan. I'll have Page show you to your rooms.


*A Page appears from behind a heavy velvet curtain.*


Page: This way, Sirs.


*Having droped the Generals off the Page leads Greer down a wide corridor, into the West wing of the Palace, from there they turn right, into another corridor and finally stop out side an almost normal0sized door, with the same Gothic woodwork as the rest of the building. The Page opens the door, inside is a comfortably small sitting room in a dark, woodland green, more varnished wood is in evidance, this time pine. On one side a door leads off to a bedroom and on the other side one leads off to a fully eqipped bathroom. The other wall is taken up with a large balcony, closed off from the outside with glass doors. Currently it was raining.*


Page: If you need anything just call. *Points to wall mointed comlink.* General Cracken will want to brief you in an hour or so. Someone will be up to get you then.

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Orion: You assume too much, Lord Odin. You were already told that we are not here as Blades, but as allies of Termand Rwos. Further, of all of us in this room, Evan, Adriana and Rwos are the only "true" Blades. That is why they wear their masks. I have the Blade magic inside me but I have nothing to do with their organization. Warren is not a Blade at all.


Adriana: Maybe I can clear things up a little. The Blades are splitting because not everyone agrees on our purpose. We were always meant to be guardians, helpers. But some believe that we should be a...police force, like you just said. Others believe we should use our power to rule the dimensions. *wryly* Hopefully you can see the virtue of our side?


Orion: You already know what you want to know, so perhaps you could stop toying with us. Time does mean something to us mortals.

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Odin: Time is irrelevant, what is fated to happen will happen when it is appropiate to happen. Once I was rash like you when I was young. Now I am old and have learned the virtue of patience. Regardless, now comes the time when I must pass my judgement on you.


*Odin drops his arm down and a blade drops into his hand it was hidden in his robes. He takes the blade puts the tip on the table and spins the blade. Keeping it upright with his finger. Without warning he grabs the blade and flicks his wrist. It flies across the room and hits the wall a little above Adriana's head.*


You will have our help if you agree to these terms. Certain items that may be brought up are very dangerous in this dimension. As such they are not to be spoken in this dimension without my permission. If you don't abide by this then you will forfiet your life in this dimension. We will hunt you down and kill you. If you do not agree to this then we will not aid you.

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*Odin motions to Vidar, who takes back the sheets of paper from svafa and begins to line them up with the table.*


Odin: Once the scrolls were written, they were made indecipherable with a incantation. To make them readable again all the necessary scrolls must be combined. The incantation to make them readable is not a spell of your magic.


*Vidar puts his hand over the scrolls*


Vidar: Perth Jera Nauthiz Ansuz.


*Lightning seems to race form Vidar's hand and dances across the scrolls. When it subsides the scrolls' lettering has been entirely rearranged. Vidar sits back and holds his hand.*


Odin: I believe you should be able to read those now.

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*The Corellian Corvette drops out of Hyperspace at Atredis. Deac looks at the viewscreen.


A once green, beautiful world now shows huge scars of orbital bombardment.*


Deac: LOKPIHET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*Several more metal objects bend unnaturally. Deac lands the Corvette, and immedialtely walks to a nearby fighter*


Deac: You people don't want to see this


*Prepares for launch*

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*The Corellian Corvette drops out of Hyperspace at Atredis. Deac looks at the viewscreen.


A once green, beautiful world now shows huge scars of orbital bombardment.*


Deac: LOKPIHET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*Several more metal objects bend unnaturally. Deac lands the Corvette, and immedialtely walks to a nearby fighter*


Deac: You people don't want to see this


*Prepares for launch*

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Adriana: Yes, but...strange. Very strange.


*She looks at the papers for a few moments, then seems to make up her mind. She reads the incantation aloud.


For a few seconds nothing happens. Then the room darkens, and there is a sound like a woosh of escaping air. The papers ruffle on the table.


A rip appears inside the air of the room, as if it was a one dimensional picture. Bright yellow and blue energy streams pour out and wreathe along the floor.


Everyone in Rwos' group takes a sort of collective gasp, as if coming up from underwater to breath air, as they sense magic energy suddenly fill the room.*

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*A translucent figure appears. The darkness in the room melts into it, filling it. The room returns to its normal state. The wreaths of light filling the room gravitate towards the figure and swirl around it. Mist rises around the feet of the figure and flows along the floor.


The figure speaks, in a woman's voice*


Figure: You who have summoned me, Aesir and Terrai, ask your questions.

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