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Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour


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*The wildhuntsman turns around and makes a short hyperspace jump once Rwos's ship was away. After the short jump the slip stream drive was engaged.*


Odin *looking out a viewport*: So what did you think of them?


Svafa: A waste of time. They seem thick skulled, especially that Orion. They didn't appear to comprehend what the figure was telling them.


Odin: Vidar?


Vidar: I somewhat expected the meeting to play out like this. Doesn't really matter though, they have little if any importance to us. We should concentrate on this galaxy, an in paticular our own territory.


Odin: That my son will be discussed in detail when we return home. I'm going to go and get some sleep for now.


*Odin leaves and goes to his quaters*


Svafa: Come on, I'll buy you dinner.


*Svafa and Vidar leave go to a private lounge to eat*

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Dellosk: Your hands are in stasis, its cold so the docs should be able to fix them and you back together.


*Dellosk leads Deac to the ship.*




*Flax is walking in the gardens with Sellena and Hal.*


Flax: Two days, then Sophae will be layed to rest.


Hal: Mum didn't like the pomp and circumstance, she would have hated it.


*A light appears in front of them, it resolves it's self into a figure.*


Sophae: The pomp is necessary, so you father says, our wedding day was worse.


*Hal is supprised, to say the least. Sellena has a slight smile, Flax just looks unhappy.*


Flax: Cross over, you should be at peace.


Sophae: Absolutly not! I intend to plan my own funeral.


Flax: Well when then I suppose you'd like to perform the rights as well?


Hal: Wah? Mum?


*Sophae walks over to Hal, her etheral hand carresses his cheek.*


Sophae: I can't stay long I just came to say goodby.


*She kisses Hal on the forhead, then she kisses Sellena on the cheek finally she kisses Flax on the lips.*


*As she fades away she whispers for Flax' ears only.*


Sophae: I love you.


*Flax covers his face in his hands and falls to the ground sobbing.*

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*Deac takes a seat as the ship launches. He then holds the lightsaber in the air using the force, and activates it. A silver beam extends from the hilt. He then switches it off*


Deac: We have to move. How goes the revolution?

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Asgard: Gladsheim


*The Wildhuntsman quickly passed through Bifrost, and shortly was in orbit over Asgard. Odin, Vidar, and Svafa shuttled down in Sleipnir. They had arrived minutes before the grand council of the Aesir was to begin their debate.


The councile chambers of Gladsheim normally had few observers in them. On this paticular day the observation areas were full, and there were cameras broadcasting this debate to the rest the Aesirian worlds.


Svafa, joins a delgate of Valkyries and Vidar takes his position on the council. Odin is the last to enter. He was clade in formal armor as were the rest of council and the various guests. As he strode in the chambers everyone rose. Odin gave a small gesture and everyone sat down. He stood in the center of the chambers, ready to address the council and the rest of the Aesir*


Odin: In the begining our role as protectors of the galaxy was clear. Like parents we also knew that there would be a time when the cultures of this galaxy were mature enough, and were advanced enough to protect themselves. Recently a question has arisen wondering if that time has come.


This council has assembled to find an answer to that question. Now some may be thinking that not all cultures are advance as others. They are right, and to those cultures we will still act as guardians. Others will wonder if this will affect our unending vigilance. The answer to is a most definitive no. The question that before this council is this. Are the inner and mid rims worlds ready for us to withdraw our protection?


To aid the council in finding an answer to this question a delegate of the Valkyries are in attendance. There are also others special guests.


As the ultimate decision will fall upon me. I will run the council, but I will not offer any opinions, and by doing so I shall not influence any council members recommendations. As is our custom, the council will not adjurn until the council finishes discussion and submits their recommendations.


I herby call this session into order.


*Odin walks takes his seat*


Freyr, has been selected to start the debate, so he has the floor.

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Akasha Tower, Magic Plane, Earth


*A body drops to the ground, headless and twitching. A second later, the head falls next to it, still fully masked with a Blade emblem above a glowing infinity symbol. It sparks as blood from its organic tissue mingles with the metal circuitry of its exposed brain.


Rwos steps over the head, glowing, bloody sword in hand*


Rwos: That's all of them.


Adriana: *behind him, a little rattled* Looks like they've released the hounds...


Trillan: *coming up behind her, holding a strange sidearm with a stream of lavender smoke curling up from it* Lucky us foxes can bite back so hard, eh?


Rwos: So we're found out. They should've come themselves, hoping to have the honor of the capture...but no, they hoped the hounds would kill us and they wouldn't have to take responsibility for our tragic deaths. No honor in accosting equals that they can't fight..


Orion: *stepping over a carcass* This is yet another reason why I'm glad I'm not a Blade.


Rwos: Orion. You could've caused us a great amount of trouble. The Aesir would've loved to kill you right there, and they still would.


Orion: I'm sick of being manipulated by immortals and self-styled prophets feeding us bull****. We got what we wanted and that's all that matters.


Rwos: You shouldn't...


Orion: I will not put on a mask, Rwos. I'm not one of you.


Rwos: There's a difference between pointlessly making people angry and putting on a mask, Orion. The Aesir are important and it's better not to overly upset them.


Orion: You're wrong, Rwos. They're exactly as important as we make them. And quite frankly, it'd be better to...


Nettle: Hey, I'd love to let you two chat a bit longer, but we need to leave. Make fast.


Evan: *As Adriana's armband gives a warning beep* Too late. They're already here.


Nettle: Oh well. Just a matter of letting them find us, then.


Orion: We'll finish this another time, Rwos.


Warren: Letting them find us? We...we're...but...they've already tried to kill...


Rwos: No, they won't kill us face-to-face. Not like this. *His ears twitch* Seems they're here. Why don't we go greet them?


*Rwos marches down the hall, putting on a confident pose as the lift doors ahead of him signal they are about to open. The others exchange glances and follow*

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Asgard: Gladsheim, Council Chambers


Freyr: Thank you Lord Odin. As all of you know, we have spent many ages watching over the inner and mid rim worlds. There is one important thing I have learned in that time. The civilizations of these worlds seem bent upon their own destruction. We were once like they were. Remember the war between the Aesir and Vanir. Each side was bent on destroying the other, but eventually we stopped and joined together. Why did we stop? We stopped because we realized that it was useless fighting each other, that we need each other to grow, and maybe most importantly that there were larger threats outside our immediate area, and those threats were growing.


Now we have protected these cultures against these other threats and they continue to wage war among themselves. I have come to the conclusion that they will continue to do this until either they destory themselves, or that they realize there is a greater threat outside there spheres of influence. They will only realize this when we withdraw our protection. If we don't then I fear they will contiue on their course of self anihilation.

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Hyperspace, SSD Lucifer


*Malice enters the bridge, holding the child's hand*


Lokpihet: What did you bring him here for? This is no place for a kid.


Malice: You left Starkiller alive. Every cell in my body wishes to destroy him. Thanks to you.


Lokpihet: Don't blame me for the actions of that "ghoul"


Malice: I am not Syrnl. I am not Darkstar. What am I?


Lokpihet: Maybe that's something you need to figure out. But I do not fear Starkiller. He will only be the cause of my destruction when his hands regrow


*Malice leads the child back to her quarters*


Malice: Do you understand what you are? He doesn't. But I do...

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Fused Irvine *Leaning back in a chair* "So tell me, why would you want someone to destory you? You had his life in your hands, and you choosed mercy on him. Eliminating him for good would mean that you'd be one step closer to living out a full natural life." *Making a pun about how meny times Lokpihet was cloned, and how there wouldn't need anymore if deac was truely gone.*




Child "A part of me doesn't like him too. The one you said you don't like. What would happen if he comes back?"


((Damn, hard to try and make the kid speak in little kid language ^_^; ))

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*The Agamarian Doctors work on Deac for 14 hours to re-atach his hands and tend to his other inguries.*


*When Deac wakes he is lying not in a medical bed but in a luxurious four-poster, in one of the royal suits. Sellena is sat at the end of his bed.*


Sellena: How are you feeling Lord Starkiller? *She smiles.*

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*RH Irvine gets off his speeder, hair mysteriously turned from the bright red, to a dark black.


He was uneasy, digging his fingernails into this palms, making tight fists. and his expression was merely of one holding in anger, trying not to show it.*

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Deac: Been better. Who are you?


*Flexes his hands*






Lokpihet: He won't be coming back. I feel it. His hands will not regrow, and he will not fight without out. I have broken him into dust




Malice: Lokpihet is a fool. We must destroy Starkiller when he comes. And you're going to help me....

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*The doors open. Several Blades exit. A Blade with the top of his head blazing like a torch leads them. Rwos notes that some of the other Blades look shocked to see them, with others clearly expecting it, including the leader. The flaming swordsman's face shows disappointment that he tries to hide*


Rwos: Hello, Shane.


Shane: *to the others* Go on. I'll handle this. *to Rwos* Termand Rwos. *feigning disappointment* This is...a surprise.


Adriana: You sent Hounds after us.


Shane: Oh, I must apologize. A small error. But surely they wouldn't have attacked unless you resisted detainment...and what is in the parcels your friend are carrying?


Rwos: Classified material. Also, you may be surprised to know that your Hounds attacked us on sight. Or maybe you wouldn't.


Shane: Perhaps this should be taken before the Council. I'm sure the new High Sorcerer would know what to do about this situation.


Rwos: No. I have important business to attend to.


Shane: You're refusing a fair Council hearing to resolve this disagreement? Awfully suspicious.


Rwos: I will speak with the Council soon enough. Unless you have a writ of detainment, my companions and I will be leaving now.


*Shane says nothing. After a moment, Rwos walks past him, followed by the others*

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