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Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour


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*Kaildor was shook by the grenades expolsion. Getting to his feet, kaildor finshed stealing the Hover car. getting in He sped through the warzone that had sprung up. He drove for around 10 miunites untill he stopped outside a plain looking building. he got out and opened the door. *



temp Guy :D


Name: Drakain Dhavl


Occupation: Retired/Underground Electronics suppler

Bio: Friend of kaildor who is an expert in the art of electronics and intel gathering



*Drakain stood behind a heap of what looked like scarap, welding. He looked up*


Drakain: What the ...kaildor...?


Kaildor: No time for small talk. I need you to build a locator. You know every electronic device gives of a freqauncey, no matter how weak


Drakain: Dont leacture me in basic electronics boy


Kaildor: Fine. I need a locator that can tune into the waves of my cybernetic parts


Drakain: Thats a preaty skeachy idea...it may not work. when do you need it?


kaildor: as soon as possiable

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*Rwos, feeling a sense of deja vu, jumps down froim the ship and rushes over to Deac*


It's just like how it happened before...except the person on the floor then was me...




*The Vanguard captain turns around*


Captain: New target...unidentified. Destroy it quickly.


*The Vanguard, now further empowered by being able to draw on Fused Irvine's power as well as Starr's, split into two groups. Three continue to attack Starr with their metal batons. Three unsheath long, deadly rifles and aim at Fused Irvine*

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Fused Irvine "Starr! Conseal your presence, their power draws from it!"


*Fused Irvine quickly switches form his logn saber to one of his dual saber's, while he continues to retact any possible output of the force that flows through him.*


Fused Irvine 'One of the very few times I'd wish I had a Yasamari around...'

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*Hilth jabs a hypodermic needle into Rwos arm and begins extracting blood. He places the sample into another small device which he has pulled out of his medikit. He waits a moment, and then places a new sample of black substance into another hypo, then injects Deac.


Deac awakens, his hair turning it's usual brown, and gets up*


Deac: Hilth! What the hell did you put in me!?


Hilth: Relax, Starkiller. Rwos DNA had some avatar traces...


Deac: The Darkstar, you mean!

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Rwos: Won't he need more than a blood transfusion to cure him? What is happening?




Starr: Don't you think I've tried that? They draw off our connections to the Force! Wait...you're the other Irvine...the clone? No...you're different somehow...


*The Vanguard open fire on Fused Irvine. Huge bursts of energy fly from the guns, dissolving the permacrete they hit*

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Fused Irvine *responding to Starr, while dodging fire and defelecting at the same time* "Yeah, and I saw the demonstration of these damn things!"


*Fused Irvine conjures a bit of Force to attempt to pull the weapons from the Vanguard's fingers.*


((Wait a minute, didn't Starr, Alys and Cracken deal with vanguard on CSII?))

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((OOS: The energy bolts are too big to be deflected by lightsabers - like concussion rifle blasts))


*Irvine's Force pull has no effect on the Vanguard, who continue to blast at him, tracking his movements. Starr maneuvers himself underneath some of the machinery torn up by their fire, and using the Force, throws the broken pieces at his attackers*

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*Fused Irvine, grits his teeth at the failed attempt. While still running, he quickly doubles back and looks at the surrounding area.*


Fused Irvine 'Those vanguard have themselves perched right under some structure... Perfect...'


*Fused Irvine cicles around, using very small bursts of force speed, to allow him to become less predicable. While at the same time on the other side from the Vanguard, he prepares a few of the sabers that he carries to throw at the structures above the Vanguard.*

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Hilth: That's the beauty of it! Your blood contains enough of the new DNA for the nanites we put in him to rebuild. They would have been able to do much more, we just didn't program them.


Deac: But you put the Darkstar in me!


Hilth: As it is in Rwos here. It won't harm you nay more than it has him.

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*Rwos' comlink is off, so Clark's message doesn't immediately come through*


Rwos: I do have a regenerative ability, but I don't see how the Darkstar's ashes, so to speak, being inside you could hurt you...after all, it isn't the being itself...


Aren: So, Starkiller. Care to listen to our proposal? Hate to be so rushed, but after all, we did save your life - perhaps we could have a moment of your time in return?

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Asgard: In Orbit


*The Disen finally arrives at Asgard. There are hundreds of warships orbiting the planet. The disen takes her assigned parking spot. Svafa prepares a shuttle to take her and Hildr down to the planet.


Hildr is in the back of the shuttle securing their personal items down. In around five minutes the shuttle lifts off and heads towards the planet*

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*The Devastator broke from hyperspace, in orbit around Korriban. The navagation was tricky, as several automated Gravity Well Generators were active along the main route in system. an odd thing to encounter, but a precaution Palpatine took, none the less.


(Taking liberties, i have time to catch up on. Scar, just go along)


An Imperial shuttle, flanked by TIE-Defenders launched from the bridge hanger bay, and made it's way planetside. Cracken looked at his son, whom seemed a little nervous. Permissable, for sure, the Dark Side was calling him, being so close to the ancient Sith training grounds and capital world.


Even Cracken shivered a bit. The Dark Side is indeed strong here.... excellent, it shall serve my purposes exactly...


Cracken reached into his cloak, and pulled a small holoProjector out, and flicked it on. a small red dot glowed on the surface map, underneith, was a single line of text, written in an ancient language.


The Valley of the Sith*

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*Irvine walks down the ramp of the shuttle, the coldness that he felt from the planet itself. The coldness shot right through him, he hid this sensation quickly, for his father looks before him. The only thing that he showed was a little shakiness, with the unplesentness of the area.


He begain to wonder if re-uniting with his father was a good idea, then yet again what plaqued his mind was the voice who spoke to him eariler...*


Irvine "Before we venture forward, I have to ask. You know of a clone of myself that I have, and that it seems that it has taken an advantage somehow to become more powerful then I am, if not he might be almost becoming equal to the increases in your poetential. What I'm asking is what is to be done with him? Not to be put lightly, but I fear for any lack of faith in my own progress in training that I already have been." *Confused thoughts and worries ran through his mind now...*

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((OOS: Um. Fused Irvine does not have the same kind of powers Cracken has, and since when can you use the Force to teleport? Cracken has speshul dimension-warping capabilites, but they are SPESHUL, and involve a form of magic :p


A secondary issue: if you use a Force power, you are using the Force, and the Vanguard leech off this energy. The user can't possibly control this, unless the Force as a whole is inside them. If F. I. cuts off his link to the Force so the Vanguard can't leech off of it, he would loose his ability to use the Force, being cut off from it. ;)))

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Outlying Shipyard Of Imperial Capital System


*Lokpihet's SSD hypers alone into the system and begins firing at the unsuspecting installations*


Lokpihet: I can hurt you Cracken!






Deac: Who the hell are you?

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*Cracken walked down the ramp, his son in tow, and listens to him speak*


He will be dealt with. Personally.


*Cracken emphazised the last bit, sending chills down Irvine's spine. He finally stepped on Korriban sand, and felt... invigorated. yes.... he let the dark side flow through him, revitalizing him, as if a long lost sense was open once again.


Granted his connection to the Force was never gone, but for some reason, all that dimension hopping, with the new powers it gave him...dulled it. Now, he felt complete, as if the new powers and the Force within him were balancing out.


He opened his eyes, to see his Major General walk up to him, giving a sharp military bow. The landing party had departed immediatly after breaking hyperspace, followed by Cracken's shuttle a few hours later. They were to secure teh Valley of the Sith, and prepare the main entrance is possible.*


Cracken: I hope everything has gone smootly Major


Major: yes sir, however.... the men are nervous. some have been mysteriously lost, vanishing with out a trace. The men are uneasy, my lord.


Cracken: as they should be. Is the entrance prepared?


Major: I'm sorry my lord, it is not, the entrance is inpervious to any attempts to blow it or move it.


Cracken: very well, you may withdraw your troops, leave to speeders here, and return to the Devastator.


Major: at once, my lord.


*The Major gave a sharp bow, and rounded up his troops, and left hurridly. Cracken motioned for Irvine to get on one of the speeders, and follow him.*


(DEAC: Bilbringi is the new Imperial Capital. and good luck... you'll need it)


*Karrak looked out at the enemy Super Star Destroyer. Pity, a fine machine it was. Too bad his orders were to destroy it.*


Captain, uncloak the Fade, and have the Vengance Hyperspace behind it, targeting engines and the bridge deflector shields. We shall target the main hull, and fighters to run interference, Bombers to pick out hanger bays and vital systems.


Turn on teh gravity well generators.


*The Fade uncloaked, un-nervingly close to Lokiphets SUper Star Destroyer, and opened up her guns on it. Fighters launched simultaniously, launching pinpoint strikes against the ships hull. The Vengance appeared soon after, launching her fighters and attacking the engines on the massive warship.


And the Gravity well genertators turned on, trapping the massive star ships in a battle to the death*

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*Chavo finally began breathing again once the star destroyers entered hyperspace. Suddenly, he got an idea. he quickly ordered the computer to trace Lokiphet's hyperspace rout, and any possible imperial locations. He got the most likely result: a shipyard. He entered hyperspace to that location immidiatly.*

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*Lokiphet's SSD*


*The child renches in fear as the ship gets hit repeatedly, cowering in a corner, he wishes everyone who's attacking to just leave him alone.*


*Again the child's body glows with an eerie dark arua.*




*The Fade, Weapons control*


*The gunner's follow orders to the letter, with out questioning orders. One of the gunner's stops firing, he tells his superoir that he troubles of a pain in his chest. He is then releaved and replaced. The gunner who replaces him, then too feels such pain, but is ordered to continue.


Second later, the gunner falls dead, blood dripping form his mouth. After the gunner's heart stops, another complains about pains in his chest too. The Officer, sends word to the bridge, about misterious deaths.*




*Lokiphet's SSD*


*The child cowers in a corner, his hands in well closed fists, glowing red with the dark side.*






*Irvine is relectant to get on a speeder, but gets on with out question.*

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Aren: I represent a interdimensional business syndicate. We've taken an interest in your dimension, and we have an offer for you, and your New Rebellion.


Rwos: They're criminals, Deac.


Aren: Because we break laws created by those who had no authority to make them in the first place? What morality says dimensions should be separated the way the Blades wish?


Rwos: The laws against interference with other dimensions were created for a good reason.


Aren: If you want to see it that way, Termand Rwos, you yourself are a criminal. The Blades sent you here to watch. However, you've aided the rebellion and the New Republic, along with your friend here. Who knows, you may have even changed the course of this galaxy's history with your interference. Is it any different because you're a Blade?


Rwos: The Shadows interfere in destructive ways. Your methods are harmful and I don't trust your intentions. Nothing you've done in this dimension has benefitted it in any way. The Blades, when we do interfere, only interfere in positive ways.


Aren: The fact that we have only now begun to create a sizeable "disturbance" now, aside...if that was true, wouldn't you prefer we interfered in a positive way, like you, Termand Rwos? You haven't even let me tell Starkiller our proposal yet.


Rwos: How could we trust you? Gilian and I have seen the Shadows in action before...


Aren: We simply want a profitable venture here. *to Deac* What would you say if we offered to sell your rebel government the kinds of weapons you may have seen Rwos or other interdimensionals here use? I guarantee you, they would grant you a significant advantage over the more static technology of your current enemies. For a reasonable price, we can give you the tools to win this war, and put your galaxy out of danger... What do you say?

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Lokpihet's SSD


*Lokpihet notices the child cowering in a corner. He instructs his fleet to continue firing*


Lokpihet: It's all right child. You don't want them to hurt you? Just tell that man *points to the gunner* who'se scaring you and he'll make them go away.


Malice: You'd make a good father, Lokpihet. Ever thought about it?


Lokpihet: Just keep firing.






Deac: I got put into NRI's extra dimensional branch. We were told not to take your technology. Why would you offer it?

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