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Is there a point to using a SINGLE saber in JKA?


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Originally posted by txa1265

The 'attack enemy on ground' move made me weep ;)


That is EXACTLY what I was hoping would be there as a special ... and when I saw it in the trailer with the lightstaff, I thought I might have to go lightstaff to get that move. Since I can get there with the single saber, I'm all the more happy.




Yeah this move will make sure there are no "OMFG YOU ATTACKED MEH ON TEH GROUND" noobs in JA. (hopefully)

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Originally posted by Prime

What is the "attack kata". It will save me from having to look it up myself :)

A 'kata' is a Japanese karate term referring to a form or series of moves associated with a specific style.


I know that because my older son (not quite 7) is going (tomorrow morning, in fact) for his Brown Belt in Uechi Ryu karate ... and he needs to know answers to questions like that as well as mastery of several katas.




Oh, and from M-W:


Main Entry: ka·ta

Pronunciation: 'kä-(")tä

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural kata or katas

Etymology: Japanese, literally, model, pattern

Date: 1945

: a set combination of positions and movements (as in karate) performed as an exercise

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Originally posted by Prime

What is the "attack kata". It will save me from having to look it up myself :)


You know in the movies when you see someone with a sword twirling it around, and behind their back to switch hands, and then to the front again...? It looks all fancy and important, but actually does nothing? *tries to think of examples*...ah...like Conan in Conan The Destroyer, or pretty much any martial arts movie with swords... Well, it looks sorta like that. But it is better to watch the little mini-movies on the official site to get a better idea... ;)

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The kata made me think of those crappy combos from "Jedi Power Battles."


Ie: Push button, character flails around for a bit.


Oh well, it might just be a good way to confuse your enemy, or cut a helpless Stormtrooper to bits in a fancy way. ; )


And you can use all force powers at all times. The thing about not being able to use push or pull isn't true. Whatever you choose you can use all force powers.


Where did you hear this? If true, this is some of the best news on the sabers I've heard in awhile! I always thought the notion of limiting your Force when using the Saberstaff made no sense.


I'd love to believe that is the case. Thanks for letting me know... and being able to throw the Lightstaff with one blade extinguished is much better than not being able to ever throw again (though I still don't see why it couldn't be thrown with both blades on, just use a little imagination).

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Thanks for letting me know... and being able to throw the Lightstaff with one blade extinguished is much better than not being able to ever throw again (though I still don't see why it could be thrown with both blades on, just use a little imagination).


I don't see why either. I still think they could throw it with a vertical spin, like a 'propeller of death', to mow a path through your enemies. That would simply look cool, in my view. :)

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But, will you be able to toss a second saber to your single saber using friend? ; )


I meant to say above

(though I still don't see why it couldn't be thrown with both blades on, just use a little imagination).


But Stormhammer understood what I was trying to say. Danged typos...


So I guess they "balanced" the three saber types simply by applying different sets of moves to them, Single Saber having the most moves...


I wonder how we will get to use them in MP? Will it be a choice like picking a player model or skin... or will we have to sacrifice extra force points to get the other two types? Or will the other two types by limited to certain classes (though most of those classes don't sound like they'd be using dual sabers or saberstaff.... unless the saber turns out to be a standard weapon for all classes... doubtful, and only the Jedi can choose dual/double?).



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If the saber choices are poorly balanced I'm gonna scream.


Anyway I've always felt dual saber will 0wn everything else. Not because of poor balance, but just the incredible defensive potential. What if you could perform an attack with one saber and block the enemy counterattack with the other? This will most likely not happen, but I like the idea :D´)

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I wonder how we will get to use them in MP? Will it be a choice like picking a player model or skin... or will we have to sacrifice extra force points to get the other two types? Or will the other two types by limited to certain classes (though most of those classes don't sound like they'd be using dual sabers or saberstaff.... unless the saber turns out to be a standard weapon for all classes... doubtful, and only the Jedi can choose dual/double?).

Since it looks like a single saber has three stances again, and dual and staff have two, then for regular MP (ie, not Siege) I'd assume you'd pick your lightsaber for multiplayer similarly, if not the same as you do for a SP game: All hilts and options open to you, no penalty for which you happen to go with. As for Siege, I think it will be set weapons. Jedi will get a lightsaber and Force powers, all other classes will get blasters and certain items (jetpack, sentry gun, cloaking device, etc.). That's the way I see it going.


And I agree, I hope the sabers are well balanced for MP eventually. I'm not getting my hopes up and expecting them to be perfectly balanced from the outset, but hopefully, if there is a problem a patch will be ready ASAP to correct any issue.

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Originally posted by Thazac

If the saber choices are poorly balanced I'm gonna scream.


Anyway I've always felt dual saber will 0wn everything else. Not because of poor balance, but just the incredible defensive potential. What if you could perform an attack with one saber and block the enemy counterattack with the other? This will most likely not happen, but I like the idea :D´)


Defense? Not really. Try blocking a Red blow one-handed. You may well get a broken wrist.


I think a Doublesaber should be very good for defense, but it doesn't sound as though that's how it'll work. :(

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here is my opinion, no force powers will be blocked no matter which style you choose, one handed has three stances, and can be thrown a great distance.

duel blade saber, 1 stance you will be able to block better but since you have 2 blades to wield it will be a little slower than using 1 saber.

2 one handed sabers, one stance, you will be able to block just about anything and attack fast, but the strength of the blows will be wearker.

and i think that all stances should get kick

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I got a question guys ......

I noticed in the pictures and in the official site's move guide that during the animation sequences the lightsaber blade moves separately than the hilt.....

I v seen screenshots where the hilt is in one place and the blade somewhere else like it has a mind of it's own.....

Has anyone else seen this?

I think that if it's a bug they better have it fixed when I get the game but if it's in the game's coding then it's incredibly awful...

...will b a huge turn off.....:(

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I got a really slow connection so when I was previewing the moves in the game's official site .....the movies loaded really slow.....so I could catch each frame...and I clearly saw the blade move before the hilt had moved....especially in that backflip move...

And I also saw screenshots with those guys fighting the twil'lek where the blade was clearly not Fixed on the hilt rather a bit to the left or right like it was temporarily detached :S

I think they have written the code so the balde moves separately from the hilt and if so it soo sucks :(

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Ha, I thought I was the only one who noticed this. Actually, I've seen it in JK2 as well (very rare, but occasionally it happens, and yes, it looks pretty goofy).


Probably won't be fixed, it's just one of those things that reminds you you're still playing a game, that's not a perfect simulation of reality, and the limits of technology... ; )

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Did you happen to save with your saber ignited and installed a mod that did something to either sabed blade or hilt?

And well, it's one of those little bugs, good thing it doesn't show when in full motion. I've had it happen in Jedi Outcast, some move looked perfectly good in game looked alot less awesome in the screenshot I took from it due to mentioned bugs appearing. Sometimes there also is a small gap between the saber and it's trail, but again that only is clearly visible in screenshots. But meh, I'm not going to let such little bugs ruin my fun XD

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