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Official Site Updated!


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Those new saber moves are, in a word.




Nice to see the oldies are back too. :D


[super Mods Note: Please edit posts instead of excessive posting.]


Uh, guys? Official site material isn't really considered to be spoilers, especially not the moves.


Those katas are pimp. It's nice to be able to pull off a cool combo without a lot of button mashing.

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yes. lucasarts really deserves credit here. this site is amazing and it'll make the wait seem a bit shorter. the wall grab seems interesting. i just wonder if you can grab a wall while falling. this game looks well worth the wait!




HOLY !@#$!!! Read the downloads page!!!!


"A demo will be available for the PC platform in the coming weeks. Check back often!"


I love you LucasArts!!!!!!

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Originally posted by mariners2001

HOLY !@#$!!! Read the downloads page!!!!




"A demo will be available for the PC platform in the coming weeks. Check back often!"



I love you LucasArts!!!!!!


Yep...I already spotted that. In fact, you can now find a lot of these details already updated in the JA FAQ at the top of the forum.


Damn, I'm fast. :D

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Oh man what a site! There is just soo much detail. I've been waiting with baited breath to find out some of this stuff, especially the sys reqs. The wallpapers are really great, I can't wait to get the screen savers.


ANYWAY, the BIG piece of news here is really that a




I hope the demo is like the one for Jedi Outcast, in that it will be a level that is not a part of the actual game, just a bonus.

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Originally posted by Closter

I can't see the screenshoot what do i need to do.


I can't see the screenshots or concept art on the new site either. Perhaps they are still transferring some stuff across to the new format. I mean, there are some errors in the text throughout the site where it mentions Jedi Outcast, instead of Jedi Academy, so it's a little rough around the edges...

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Wow! A demo?! YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! I can't wait. WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I've already downloaded the two wallpapers and have one on the desktop now (green one that says "The Force is a powerful ally. And a terrible foe.")


September 17 seems so far away. I guess I'll live till then.;)

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I'm quite impressed with the new trailer. Some of the locations and moving environments look stunning.



the presence of ground stabbing moves and a plethora of kicks brings up a very good topic about the ethics of killing people when they're down. I'll start a new thread for the topic.

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Remember how we were talking about LA updating the site in the next couple of weeks when the game went Gold? This wasn't what we were talking about ... it's more, much more :D


Another great look at the new mech enemies in the Force Rage shot ...


OK, I was saying I loved the Rebel Strike site ... this site, especially after a bit of polish, is likely to be the best game site I've ever seen - it's worth visiting not just for the info, but has a rich value of its' own.


Cool stuff.



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lol i just noticed something minor on the site. Go to the inventory list and look at the descriptions for some of the items there. Heh looks like someone got a tad lazy :rolleyes:


of course, thats forgivable just because the rest of the site rocks :D

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Originally posted by zdk1

lol i just noticed something minor on the site. Go to the inventory list and look at the descriptions for some of the items there. Heh looks like someone got a tad lazy :rolleyes:


of course, thats forgivable just because the rest of the site rocks :D

Copy and Paste errors ... there are a few, as well as mis-spellings, missing pics, and so on.


But for a site of this magnitude ... quite a nice intro.


If the game is as cool as the site, I may only play this and DX:IW for the rest of the year ...




[super Mods Note: Please Edit posts instead of excessive posting.]


Bluesnews just put up their notice about the new site, calling it " the latest website to announce one of those trendy relaunches ".


ShackNews also posted the info, but was a bit less jaded in their comments. (BTW - I'm the Mike in both :) )


I really liked the JO website when it came out - not bad at the time, but it just pales compared to JA. This new site tells you loads about the game and what to expect - the weapons are largely the same, and the emphasis is on character, acrobatics, and lightsaber combat, along with engine improvements.


I noticed the trailer #2 is almost 3 times smaller than the Gamespot version, yet the resolution is slightly higher - 320x240 vs. 288x240. Good news for 56k-ers ...


Another thing that I liked was the 'long jump' I know we saw it is a screenshot a while ago, but didn't know what it was ... it will be interesting to see how this stuff plays out.



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Originally posted by txa1265

I noticed the trailer #2 is almost 3 times smaller than the Gamespot version, yet the resolution is slightly higher - 320x240 vs. 288x240. Good news for 56k-ers ...



Is it? :eek:


I might have a bash at trying to d/l that version then, if it's a bit higher res. ;)


*pedals faster on 56k connection*

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Is it? :eek:


I might have a bash at trying to d/l that version then, if it's a bit higher res. ;)


*pedals faster on 56k connection*

Yep - 7.7MB rather than the ~21MB from Gamespot.


Better feed that hamster ...

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