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Boba Fett!!!!! Where?! (Most Likely some Spoilers Ahead...)


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:fett: Okay somewhere I heard theres going to be a guest apearence of Boba Fett.(Incase you haven't knoticed I'm a boba fett fanatic. I have all the books,magazines,toys,mods,background

and an entire note book of picture I have drawn of him since I was six!) Well all I got to know is;

1. Is he a bad guy do have to try to kill him.:(:mad:

or, is he an npc, or sidekick:) :) :) !!!

2.Can your character look like he wearing Mondalorian Armor!!!

and that's all. Fell free to give me an answer!!


Oh by the way this is my first time posting on this forum!!!

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Even though technically he's "still alive" in the EU.... that would be interesting to have you kick his butt again..... but I think its likely that what we're seeing is "Siege" mode in fact, where we know that classes and Jetpacks are part of it, and it's just the Mandalorian skin we know and love.

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yeah i was wondering how they would fit him into the SP because they would have to explain how he was saved from the sarlaac pit and not really killed but that would probably take to long so yeah it is probably just the seige mode


but it kind of makes me sad because mars and psykosith are making that awesome boba and mandalorian pack for jedi outcast which will also work in jedi academy but i think theirs will be better then the one LEC gives us

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Then again, I could be wrong.



I assumed it was MP at first, because of Raven's cop-out statement from Jedi Outcast "You can't play as Boba Fett, he's dead!" If they go by the "official EU" then Fett is alive. Even though you "killed him once" in Dark Forces, they can bring him back as much as they want. I just hope they don't make him a "good guy" or something equally goofy.


I was talking with Stormy about this. Is that shot of him in the video a cutscene? If it is, then he must be in the SP game after all...


We shall see...


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Well, I have to disagree, having watched the recent footage more closely. You can clearly see throughout the second trailer where it changes from cut scenes to the SP game, and to the MP game - the HUDs change.


When you (very briefly) see Boba Fett, it is during a cut scene - and therefore I believe he will appear in SP. I can't see why they would have a cut scene on Boba Fett for MP...and no other characters.


Here's a capture from the video...sorry about the quality...




Make up your own minds...but I'm pretty much convinced that's from SP...

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Well, actually it could be possible for him to be on your side since he's a bounty hunter, he'll fight for anyone as long as the price is right. I remember reading a book several years ago, where the main characters thought they were dead when Boba Fett showed up (they were already having a tough time with whoever it was they were fighting), but it turned out someone had hired him to get them out of whereever it was that they were.

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To clear up confusion for gamers who haven't read EU sources, they could have Boba just say what he said in a comic book I looked over in Barnes and Noble once. (think it was Dark Empire???) Boba arrives on Nar Shadda to catch Han Solo. Leia says something like "Boba Fett! But you're dead!" Fett simply replies, "The Sarlacc found me somewhat indigestible..."

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Heh, this whole thread pretty much spoiled it from the start (note the title). But since it's on the official site now, it's no big deal.


I agree Stormy, you got me on this one, I watched it again and it is DEFINATELY a cutscene (it would have been the height of fanboy nonsense to have a cutscene everytime Boba Fett spawned into a Multiplayer game, hehe). I was wrong, you got me!


Hopefully this time the #$(*# will stay dead. ; )


(Sorry Fett fans!)

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Heh, this whole thread pretty much spoiled it from the start (note the title). But since it's on the official site now, it's no big deal.


I agree Stormy, you got me on this one, I watched it again and it is DEFINATELY a cutscene (it would have been the height of fanboy nonsense to have a cutscene everytime Boba Fett spawned into a Multiplayer game, hehe). I was wrong, you got me!


Hopefully this time the #$(*# will stay dead. ; )


(Sorry Fett fans!)

I agree ... there is so much stuff on the official site it is hard to call much of anything a spoiler anymore ... :eek:


Anyway, if he is an enemy (as I assume he will be) I don't think we get to kill him - he'll probably just take a beating then escape ...



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Fett probably won't be much of a danger. If he gets taken out by a blind guy with a stick, I'm sure trained Jedi can handle him. :p


A bit off topic, but I don't suppose they'll stick in some of the old maps from JO? Like Bespin Streets FFA? It's a classic! :)

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Originally posted by defalc

Fett probably won't be much of a danger. If he gets taken out by a blind guy with a stick, I'm sure trained Jedi can handle him. :p


A bit off topic, but I don't suppose they'll stick in some of the old maps from JO? Like Bespin Streets FFA? It's a classic! :)


Why should they include JO's maps in JA, when we already know JO's maps will work in JA without much tweaking (if at all)?


It might actually be nice to see some maps based on the movie locations where Fett appeared, though...

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Fett probably won't be much of a danger. If he gets taken out by a blind guy with a stick, I'm sure trained Jedi can handle him.


I was thinking about that scene the other day, and I kind of wondered if it wasn't just dumb luck (Han is one lucky SOB, you gotta admit), but maybe Luke was "controlling" Han's aim with the force?


After all, Luke was "tied up" at the time, and Fett was drawing a bead on him with his wrist blaster.


Still, the events of AOTC lend more credibility to Fett's actions in the battle over Carkoon. He just hates Jedi, and now that he's seen one again for the first time in years, he's "gotta take him out." Not to mention an egomaniac like him probably couldn't help wanting to take on the one man who's been single handedly pwn1ng all of Jabba's guys!



That reminds me, the battle over Carkoon could make a potentially very cool Siege map.

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Originally posted by Dr_night

can someone tell me how you do that thing on the spoilers?


Since it'll be helpful to answer you if you want to post in this forum, here ya go.


Type the following without spaces around what you want spoilered: [ spoiler ] [/ spoiler ]



So it'd be like this


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If you'd rather not know where he is in the game, don't read this spoiler. I got this as part of a response to a few questions I sent off.




Boba Fett is probably in one of the later training missions. You are probably sent by Luke on a mission to destroy some weapons caches, and you probably run into Fett. He'll probably tell you it isnt any of your business and to leave. He's probably got his flamethrower, pistols, jetpack, disruptor, the works. Once you blow up the caches and defeat him, he'll probably fly off.


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