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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/22 in all areas

  1. Lovely. I love Purcell's artwork. The final statue just doesn't live up to the beautiful concept art.
    2 points
  2. You may or may not have noticed that some original Steve Purcell Sam and Max concept art went up for sale on eBay recently. Concept art for the lovely statue that was created many years back. Four images (each on 14"x11" paper) of our favorite dog and rabbity thing captured from different angles to be used with sculpting the duo in fabulous 3-D. The art went up for a $4,000 price but sold within a day or two for an undisclosed "best offer price" by the undisclosed buyer. But like the latest in NFT art, you can view the artwork right here! Right-clicking is encouraged. Sam and Max Concept Art 4 shot Sam and Max Concept Art A For comparison: Sam and Max Final A Sam and Max Concept Art B For comparison: Sam and Max Final B Sam and Max Concept Art C Sam and Max Concept Art D
    1 point
  3. At the very least the MI1 and MI2 SEs brought us amazing recordings of the soundtracks.
    1 point
  4. I say bring on a COMI remaster. Yes, they will undoubtedly get some things I consider "wrong", but on the whole they're usually massive improvements in some area: Day of the Tentacle came out really well, aside from one or two tiny niggles. Full Throttle was amazing with its improved soundtrack -- even though there was some weird lapses in quality control. Grim Fandango added amazing new music and unbelievably better controls AND a point and click mode... despite the occasional lapses in quality control (again). SOMI:SE was (for me) a total abomination. I hated every second (apart from Earl Boen and whoever voiced the Shopkeeper -- even Dom seemed off). So many things were ruined... so I just don't play it (in fact I never even got off Melee). MI2: SE was a vast improvement and started getting more things right (especially on Phatt Island, which really looked absolutely perfect in one or two scenes). So with those being my recent experiences, I say bring on the new ways for me to experience COMI. The original isn't going anywhere. Give it to me!
    1 point
  5. I have started my own site covering AGI, SCI, and SCUMM games. It's called [https://www.missingfloppies.com]The Missing Floppies[/url], named after the mythical Leisure Suit Larry 4. It covers technical information and things I have personally discovered during the decompilation of Sierra and LucasArts games. With a proper decompilation in hand, I can conclusively confirm or bust myths regarding the games. Since LucasHacks is gone, and SCIProgramming's admin has been absent for a year, I've been concerned about the future of the resources there (not so much with SCIProgramming, since SierraHelp's wikis have mirrored much of it). My site will serve as the go-to solution for said resources relating to AGI, SCI, and SCUMM tools. I wonder what's the current status of SCUMMCompanion...
    1 point
  6. If you want brain shattering revelations, I've got one for you. Both Craig Derrick and Bill Tiller said in the book that if Curse ever gets remastered they would use 3D. Craig wanted to replace all the assets in 3D, and Bill wanted to repaint the backgrounds and use 3D characters. Personally, I think this would be a huge mistake and it's kinda soured my excitement for a remaster to be made. You just don't do that with a game so heralded for its 2d character animation. Maybe it could work, and I just have limited imagination, but idk, seeing Tiller's other work doesn't inspire much confidence that it could live up to the stellar work that has already been done with the original game.
    1 point
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