I was able to pick up EMI where I left off with the latest beta. Just finished the game. All water issues were fixed from what I could tell as well. I noticed only two minor things along the way:
-Every time you perform a dive in the diving contest, there's a little scene where Guybrush walks back to the judges to see his scores. He gets briefly stuck along the way, every time. It only lasts a second or two, and he is always able to press on, but maybe whatever's causing this negligible issue relates to the one stalemating the chef in the LUA Bar.
-In Monkey Kombat, some of the banana overlays representing health would occasionally linger behind when damage was taken. So for example, if three bananas were supposed to have been lost on a hit, you might only see the second and third of those actually disappear, creating a gap.
That was all. Good stuff!