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Everything posted by jonathan7

  1. Firstly Gitmo does break Section 1. of the Bill of Rights (see linked post below for proof). With regards Citizenship, I would have to argue that it is not worth the paper its written on, if you go about torturing individuals and this is acceptable because they aren't "citizens" - which is also aside from the fact that intelligence gathered under torture is not reliable. Anyways, this was my post in full from the Gitmo thread;




    As someone who has travelled widly, including many parts of the Arab world, I have to add Gitmo is a PR disaster, the "War on Terror" doesn't really work, when your causing terror to others, as all it does is breed more terrorists. Anyways thats my 2 cents ;)


    GB j7

  2. "Personally I'd prefer no title myself, and I really mean that. (So let anybody else take me up on that statement, that reads this)" -- I wish we didn't have custom user titles for a 1,000 posts, makes people spam their way upto a 1,000 posts. Quality of post rather than quantity is what matters -- j7

  3. Hehe, thanks... I just added this in; "Further more the quote on Hawking can only of been said by a moron, considering he is so ignorant of facts that the fact Hawking is British and is treated by the NHS seems to ahve escaped him". GB j7

  4. Bonjour! Sorry for slow reply it was my parents 30th wedding anniversary yesterday so was away all day... Glad you found the poll option; I've replied ;) GB j7

  5. I have the Full CS3 package so I've never installed it TBH - so can't be of much help, other than I definatly know it works as quite a few people are using it... GB j7

  6. Different email accounts was the issue, it will be difficult, and its nearly 3am here, so is it ok, if I look at it in a few days? GB j7

  7. Check your PM's shortly -- j7

  8. Sabre, come back to Skype chat!!! GB j7

  9. Bonjour! Ca-va? Hope your well bud! Hows the old modding going? GB j7

  10. You played Mount and Blade at all? I have a feeling you may like it. GB j7

  11. "i live in a free country where i can say what i mean" -- No you signed upto the terms and conditions of Lucas Forums, which means while you can say what you want in your own country, you cannot type whatever you want in forums. You may also wish to consider that your conversations are visible to Staff (hint, such as myself), and you were quite rightly banned for acting like a small child -- j7

  12. The fact you asked me, tells me you haven't got one ;) You can't miss it if you do get one so don't worry about it till if/when that happens ;) GB j7

  13. I've since updated my post to contain links you may find useful... -- j7

  14. It will depend upon your regional server as to if Facebook is working; in the UK I'm fine and can log on, but only 3 people are online - give it a few hours and facebook will be working about. Twitter, I don't know about as don't use it... GB j7

  15. *Sigh* - http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?p=2660572#post2660572 - I grow tired of the pretentiousness of it. I also love how sticking your mod in TSLpatcher somehow counts, to it being his work/or his mod. So you know Shem, if you want me to put it in TSLpatcher for you and email you the files so you can upload it to K-Files under your name I'm happy to do so... GB j7

  16. You better not still be at work at 18:45 :xp: Get your ass on Skype!! GB j7

  17. Unlikely I'm afraid - Jango only has two appearances in my version of TPM - rest assured he's successful on his missions ;) GB j7

  18. D3!!!! Skype Skype!!!! GB j7

  19. What are your plans for the curved hilt?? It looks very good! :) GB j7

  20. I can't delete it, but I can close it, if you want it deleted you will need to contact admin (sorry) -- GB j7

  21. Yeah, a link to th thread could be helpful ;) - GB j7

  22. Our download link is broken yet again on K-Files :| Hows you? Any news on the mod? :xp: Ooh, ooh, fancy giving me your thoughts on this.... http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=199599 GB j7

  23. Hey, sorry I was a way for a few days - where's Bee, wheres the problem thread/theads? GB j7

  24. D3, you get my top secret PM??? GB j7

  25. Muhahaha - you have to remember, being an innocent Christian means I have to work my sexual frustration off somehow ;) GB j7

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