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Everything posted by jonathan7

  1. Nothing we hadn't spoken in a while, and I was suffering from Achilles withdrawal, so needed to say something - I apologise for it being inane. GB j7

  2. You get my PM, Primeski?? GB j7

  3. India was good cheers Bee!! Very interesting place, hows things in your neck of the woods?? GB j7

  4. It was a joke related to the spam thread :) GB j7

  5. Chevron - fixed for you...


    "EDIT: I really need to work on my posting..."

  6. Glad your well :) - India was part of my cultural studies course, California is to celebrate thanks giving with my American family, been to San Francisco, Sacramento, Grass Valley so far, and off to Napa tommorrow. GB j7

  7. I'm cool cheers R7, hows u? I was in India last week, and this week I'm in California :xp: Whats you been up2?? GB j7

  8. Heya bro, hows you? Haven't heard to much about your K1 mod (was thinking of playing the other day) how goes the graphical improvement of people's faces??? GB j7

  9. BEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. India was amazing, very interesting... went to touristy and non-touristy places - Taj Mahal is an interesting building, though just made me want to go to the Pyramids and Valley of Kinds even more - hows things with you?? GB jx

  11. I'm back, was on holiday in India :p GB j7

  12. Heya SS, I'm cool cheers hows u? Sorry about not being in touch - been mega busy with Christian school - will get your skybox done during December if thats ok?? Hows you? How goes the modding?? GB j7

  13. Beeeeee!!!! Don't think its possible for you to cross the line! GB j7

  14. No worries bro, the cancer jibe was unacceptable and has been dealt with - so I understand if you got hot under the collar about it. - GB j7

  15. Cheers bro :) GB j7

  16. Fair enough DI, I'll miss our chats :( But I do understand :) -- GB j7

  17. Merci :) - btw - you going to post in the philosophy thread?? GB j7

  18. Hehe, thanks - I'll try and meet those standards :) - GB j7

  19. You are as free as ever to disagree with me :) - GB j7

  20. Hehe, thanks, I think DI - please come back to Skype we miss you - even if its only a once a week visit! GB j7

  21. I always preferred sniper rifling their ass myself, never really had many Biotic abilities generally left that to one of my party... Your trip sounds awesome... have fun! Tho getting up early is sucky - how long you away for?? GB j7

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