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Everything posted by jonathan7

  1. Seems from the KotOR submission que my recent WIP may have inspired you ;) For a future version you may want to consider changing the different DJ male faces so that they are different :) Merry Christmas! GB j7

  2. Hey, glad you had fun! :) I was planning on replacing the Star Forge Robes with the model, as I will be including Revans robes revisioned in the mod - which uses Revans armour as a disguise. What do you think? GB j7

  3. You may wanna check this post out... FFk1 is including armours specially for you! ;) GB j7

  4. If the texture is unique to K2 then it would be porting, if the texture is in both games then it's not porting. If you organise Jolee's model as you want it, I can sort out the texture to be the same as the Sith Assassin from K2, then all we would need would be a mask. What you upto for Christmas?? GB j7

  5. I'm good cheers RR, how long you have off for the holidays? Got much planned? GB j7

  6. I can't at this time recall if one is Chiss, but I can certainly change that, its easy enough to do. Btw I have been meaning to ask, in your recent KotOR Improvement Mod, how did you change the appearance of NPC via the utc? GB jx

  7. Mary Christmas! GB jx

  8. Happy Christmas! GB jx

  9. You got Skype yet? :-p GB jx

  10. Hey, How you doing bud? Looking forward to Christmas? I'm currently ill so have been working on FF K1 all day, a disguise for Bastila along the lines of the Revan one, and some Armour for Canderous, as well as our Sand Person robes. Had a question related to sand people, any chance you could put swap the animations for the sand person female, to standard human ones. I'm thinking a female sand person could be made to look very cool =) GB jx

  11. Hey! I'm not on my holidays yet! No rest for the wicked ;-) How are your holidays?? GB jx

  12. Heya Dak, thanks for your feedback! It's always helpful. Have you got Skype btw, you didnt answer last time I asked. GB j7

  13. Awesome! Cheers bro, was flying last night, so was at the airport, but will be on tonight, your awesome! GB j7

  14. You get the emails? GB j7

  15. Hey, I'm sending you an email with attachments, interesting find, though we'd have to do it ourselves as Kha has long since left the scene! GB j7

  16. How you doing SA? You should sign onto Skype sometime for a catchup! Hope your doing well bud! GB j7

  17. Hey,


    Okies, I'll ask him about it, personally I'm not so fussed about body sizes as its not the kind of thing I'd notice TBH. Well, i mean take the Dark Jedi Head and hood and put it on Tusken robes, I'm not sure if it's possible, I just think the standard DarK Jedi Body model sucks somewhat. I can sendClick Me - to see what I've currently done for the Male Dark Jedi, it's an awkward model. It's meant to look like a coat, but ends up more looking like superman pants. You got Skype btw? GB jx

  18. Btw, there any chance of boobifying/femaling the Tusken model? Second question, is would it be possible to put a DarkJedi head on that Dusken model? Updates will be up soon ;-) GB jx

  19. Fun and games! I recently had to reload the entire system on one of my computers, Sony Vaio's restore centre said "This is not a Sony Vaio computer", promptly re-formatted the entire hard-drive deleted said "Restore Centre" (which took up 7GB of a 40GB harddrive, which sony had also for some bizarre reason partitioned in two). Currently I won't be able to test RoR till December 28th, managed to mess up my KotOR 2 install irretrievably until I return to the UK and my install discs. GB j7

  20. Hey, I'm well but busy thanks, how are you?? GB jx

  21. Hey, yeah thats cool, look out for skins for K1 Force Fashion soon :D GB j7

  22. Hey, gunna hava another look tonight will let you know if I find him, will check out the Social Group too! GB jx

  23. Not sure if the Journal updated or not, but after speaking to Bao-Dur, a guy informed me he was at the Cantina but he's not there... I'll hava look at the jrl when I get the chance and let you know. GB j7

  24. Hey, yeah I installed it fine, followed the readme and copied the contents to the various folders... Nearly played it all the way through, I have some suggestions, and I can't find the informant, I seem to recall being told to go to the Cantina but he wasnt there. GB j7

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