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Status Updates posted by Totenkopf

  1. Belated happy 39th. I almost opted to side w/Geth on Rannoch, but the prospect of dealing with the reaper sequence again w/o a save point after defeating it stayed my hand. Talimancing my import playthrough, though. Had to dump Liara. She seems to handle rejection much better than TIM.... :D

  2. Also, import playthrough more enjoyable (esp if you saved Wrex).

  3. Based on this

    I'd almost get the DLC. Javik is a real cynical SOB.
  4. Low expectations are probably wise, not b/c they are completely warranted here, but as a means to not getting overly excited. Hopefully you're using an import, as I played it out of box and only got about 75-80% of points needed to get "best" ending (got 2, not 3 choices). Just remember, after you make your first decision at games end, you can always go back to the chapter save and endure about 5-10 minutes of stuff to see the others (vs playing a whole other game or repeating from your last manual save). Also, don't wait too long on some missions as they might solve themselves (happened to me at least once).

  5. So, for your first playthrough of ME3, do you intend to carry over everyone from 2 or leave a few out? If so, who?

  6. Was about to ask what B.M.F. meant......then saw your new avatar.

  7. Yeah, once I decided to "cave" on Origin, the first thing I looked for was the offline button. ;)

  8. I think that most, if not all, of what you see of Vancouver was in the 20+ min beta released material. Of course, maybe they'll show more at some point in the game...either way we'll know soon enough.

  9. Yeah, thanks, I was kind of hoping someone else might pick that up as I gone about as far as could in helping him on that issue. As to "seeing" 40......that'd be Q, he'd just had a Bday (#39) and I'd acknowledged that on his profile page (guess sabre/mim/whomever... dropped the bday thread ball on that one). As for me, won't be hitting lvl 40 on any (new) games before march.

  10. I suspect you've had your share of dying/cussing in games (who hasn't, really ;) ), but it's probably just as well that you only die once in RL (though I can see the merits in a reboot, as it were).


    As to LA and SW in general, post-Kotor, I've really only played Rep Com from beginning to end. From what I've seen/heard so far, here and elsewhere, will probably get TOR down the road. AFTER Mass Effect 3, naturally. Funny, but in a way (warts and all), ME almost makes it easy for me to forget about SW gaming.

  11. That's funny, 'cause I was almost going to suggest Lynk. Have you gotten close to completing any of your PCs yet?

  12. Happy Bday, you old codger.

  13. If you get the chance, you should check out a movie called The Guard. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1540133/ Just saw it last night and it was pretty funny (and short too).

  14. What's with all the dancing in SWTOR? Likely will get game later this year, but have noticed this motif in several of pics posted in TOR forums and now Lynk's poll.

  15. If you go to this page: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php and scroll toward the section that says General Modding Tools , you will see a link for a tool called a 2da converter/merger. If you downlaod it and follow the instructions, it allows you to merge 2da files so that you shouldn't have to be restricted to choosing one mod over another.

  16. Ok. Thanks for link. Did do a little search on YT, but they really only covered alliance side, not sith. If this were single player and not mmo, I could see getting a bit caught up in the charachter creation phase b/there seem to be sooooo many damn possibilities. Too bad Kotor/TSL weren't like this. Not really crazy about the lack of variety in those games when it came to faces. Still, may yet pick this game up at some point in future.

  17. What's the deal w/PC creation in TOR? As in do you generate faces like in Mass Effect or add little features (makeup, tattoos, etc..) to premade/preselected ones?

  18. I think it explains a lot of the pseudo/junk science that floats around these days and the overall ambivalence and increasingly open hostility to God/religion, esp in academic circles and among the "artsy" crowd.

  19. Maybe you could delete the spambot from bridallouboutin several entries below yours from my VMs. Would appreciate it.

  20. So, what's your take on TOR so far?

  21. Basically random vs, say, a formerly banned member screwing w/LF generally? Saw Astor's post right before your mssg.

  22. Any idea who bridallouboutin is/was? That name showed up on my profile page and seems to have been banned soon after? Left a weird mssg too.

  23. CE of TOR or Revan novel? Also, notice how KC hasn't had any postings for almost 2 weeks now...

  24. Gonna have to stay away from that Revan thread till I read the book. Maybe you should think about getting it online yourself, if you can. I think it's a little cheaper that way.

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