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Status Updates posted by SkywalkerRules

  1. Hey, that'd be cool! I'd say do it like a radio. Nowadays, people hear things over the radio more. Yeah, go for it! That'd be a sweet RP. :)

  2. For A: I'm not sure. Never did a Psychological Warfare RP before.


    For B: Something like that might work, I guess.


    But no, you're smart too. There are times where I don't think sometimes. But hey. Nobody's perfect. :)


    And sure, you can give me more details if you like.

  3. Well... I'll check it out whenever I can. :)

  4. Really?! Oh man... thanks for reminding me. I've gotta check it out more. And yeah, I hope I get it someday too. :^:

  5. Yep! Would be fun! Sadly... I can't afford it right now. But if I do get it someday, I might be able to play. But right now... can't get it. Sorry... :(

  6. Cool! Hope our characters meet soon too! :^:

  7. Mm, been doing great. Wonder when our characters will ever meet up in the Shinobi RP. Ah well, it's good to here from ya again. :)

  8. Hey, hey, hey, LadyRevan! How ya been, girl?!

  9. :lol: You're funny, Thrawn! And yeah, I'll check out your fanfic.


    I'd say... Werewolf Clan is my favorite so far. It's doing great than the others, really. Plus, Shinobi is great too. :)

  10. Just to let ya know: Cade landed his ship in the spaceport and is now picking you and Atrila up. Just a quick reminder. :)

  11. Cade just landed in the spaceport with the Mynock ship. And you and the Hunter are there about to get on so... yeah. Just to remind ya. :)

  12. Okay! Let's see... oh! How 'bout this:


    - Male


    - 18


    - Hair color: Black


    - Weapon: Four small silver daggers and childhood slingshot. (if ya want)


    - Personality: Quiet sometimes, Helpful, and the type that don't want to be messed with.


    - Background: He lived in a small town of Iowa when he was 13 with his mother. By the time he became 15, he moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There, he met Melissa and Kalvin, and became a close friend to them. Although he was goth and wanted nothing to do with everyone, only Melissa and Kalvin were like siblings to him.

    When they graduated high school, they all went to an Art College together. They had so much experience there. When Summer vacation came, they decided to go out camping. But as they camped, they were captured by Werewolves. Now they are being taken to the Leader, with he and his friends close together, letting nothing happen to his "brother and sister".


    You can give him a name and appearance, if you like. :)

  13. No, no! You're not an idiot. Yeah, you can make the other friend and maybe have someone else take over. Go right ahead. :)

  14. Oh. All righty then. And naw, I haven't played Republic Commando before. But I'll look into it when I have the chance. :)

  15. Hello there!


    Yeah, that's cool if you don't want to play Nihilus anymore. And don't be sad, Admiral_Thrawn. Like I said before, I read every post ya did. So don't worry. :)


    And if it makes you feel any better, when Karayan revives Darth Krayt from the dead, like in "Star Wars Legacy #27", would you like to play as Krayt? It's okay if you don't want to. I just had this cool idea in store for Lyna when she and Krayt see each other, face to face.

  16. Oh man... I'm sorry. Thanks for reminding me though. I'll let you know what happened next that way we won't be confused with anything. Hope ya feel better soon.

  17. Hey, Ninja? Does your character got the Mynock still? Probably to rescue Lyna from Korriban?

  18. Hey, CQ? In the "Dark Jedi" RP, Cade (Cybrog Ninja) came back to You and Atrila, and wondered who had a tracker for the tracking liquid. That might be you. You guys can go rescue Lyna from Korriban after that. Just letting ya know Cyborg Ninja said that on his post.

  19. :) Yeah. You're right too. You might never know who may come along.
  20. Happy Valentine's Day for yesterday to you to! :)


    Well... at least you have someone to give a Valentine's gift to. Because sadly... I don't have anybody! :( But that's all right. The only love I need is from my family.

  21. PK! Me ol' friend! Wat up?! How's it goin'?! Been a while since we talked... :/

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