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Marius Fett

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Status Updates posted by Marius Fett

  1. Well I think it looks scrumptious.



  2. Well done Pappy!


    I made the mistake of scratching my eye at the start of Rita (just before it started moving.) as you can imagine... IT HURT :lol:

  3. Well that's... Odd.. :p


    I'll see what I can do. :)

  4. Well there's a blast from the past. :p


    I'm not to shabby, cheers, just a little stressed with all my exams LOOMING over me. >_>


    Modding-wise, i'm kinda dormant too. XD


    How's things?

  5. Well, it could do with having the sharp 'ends' removed at the edges of the picture. :p


    Perhaps by scaling Lea (<3) down slightly and then putting the glow around her? :p

  6. Who's the BURFDAY boy then? :p



  7. Woohoooo! :D


    I look forward to them. :D


    I liked the last one.. You should write more like that. :)

  8. Wow, Pap!


    What an AMAZING cover of that song!



  9. Wtf? :lol:


    Have you been at the weed again? :p

  10. X Factor winners for sure...


    We PWN Mariah Carey.. :p

  11. Yeah, it's across the whole network.


    It's Easter, so nothing will be done about it today. It should be fixed tomorrow, or within the next few days at least.

  12. Yeah, rememer I tolf you on MSN?


    I had that disagreement with a lifeguard. :lol:

  13. Yeah, season one is the best.


    Season two is only in its 3rd episode though soo...

  14. Yeah, that sounds like an AWESOME idea!


    You should still get MSN too though, Pap. :)

  15. Yeah, you borrowed them from Alpha77's mod, IIRC, and his mod looked to contain plagiarised material.


    That's why we couldn't accept yours. :)

  16. Yep, she's ingame now.


    Just have a bit of UVW distortion to deal with, and she's all yours. :)

  17. Yes, i'm online rather a lot.


    I do like to keep on top of things.. ;)

  18. You changed your title?


    End of an era..

  19. You should be able to get away with turning the saturation down to 0. :)


    (If the keyboard shortcuts are the same in Elements as Photoshop), you can press CTRL+U and just put the middle slider down to 0. :)

  20. ZOMG!


    You're back!


    Welcome back mate. :)

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