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Chevron 7 locke

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Everything posted by Chevron 7 locke

  1. Why not just start when your character is in the cantina and you see my character being chased by CQ's character, maybe your character could take this opportunity to help me out against CQ's character, or your character could leave before CQ's character finds out she's a jedi


    you don't have to choose either of those, just a suggestion

  2. You aren't the only one who thinks that. :D

  3. Sure! I'll be the best doctor I can be!

    He did get to fight the daleks right?

  4. So I can't be the 11th 10 or 9th doctors...thats bad, those are the only three i've actually seen on TV

  5. Can I join the Doctor Group thing?

  6. Sorry. I was attempting to warn your character about CQ's impending attack on her

  7. I'm a Yank as well. Doctor Who is on the Sci-Fi channel every friday at 4 in the morning. Its a great show

  8. Doctor Who!

    You know the whole TARDIS things?

  9. A time travle machine.


    It stands for Time and Relative Dimensions in Space


    And it makes a funny noise when it Dematerializes

  10. we should probally wait for someone else to post in battle of the dark jedi

  11. I just have a quick question about it...are we allowed to create alliences with other characters?

  12. Hello fellow RPer. I love your battle of the Dark Jedi thread, its quite a challenge to keep one step ahead of CQ's character :D

  13. Hello fellow RPer! How are you doing?

  14. A tracking device huh? Hmmm...I need to think of away to get rid of that...

  15. I'm talking about wiping out EVIL.

  16. Just so you know...I was kidding about the not friends thing. I forgot to add a smiley at the end of it and I just noticed that now

  17. So...the hunt for Jedi begins eh? You won't find me an easy target

  18. Nothing much. I'm just planning the eventual downfall of EVIL.

  19. My dog ran away with my egg biscuit and I ended up chasing him around the house until I managed to tackle him and take it back.


    It was just to slobbery to eat *Sigh* Oh well...next time will be different, mark my words! The Egg Biscut Shall Be Mine And Mine Alone!

  20. Hey Oldflash, what's new?

  21. Its a site where you can watch TV for free, I use it to catch up on any Simpsons episodes i miss

  22. What's new with you? I ended up trying to catch my lunch today

  23. I have found quite possible the most useful website in creation

  24. Hope you have fun thinking yours up. I had fun with mine

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