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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. How was your weekend

  2. Hey welcome back :-)

  3. Hey, whats new

  4. Hey,

    I posted in M4 social group with the planets layout. Take a look, need your blessing on it

  5. did u see the video?

  6. check the Return to Dan SG

  7. Sounds good


    I'm glad you were able to get to the magic door


    Is slow down pacing or the game actually slowed up like frames per sec?

  8. Hey,


    Dont worry your grammar checks/dlg is the templet. I dont want to have you redo Voice overs.

    Thats cool with the echo voice for those line :-)

  9. Im good, just working some stuff

  10. Cool,

    Remember don't merge do a full new build since if you merge there might be a script in the old override that will over ride the new one in the module file

  11. Great, I'm doing some scripting and working on a teaser for the mod, something small.

    Hows your projects going? I see that you are making great head way with Sleheyron.

  12. The light saber looks great!

    Will this be the PC's start off saber?

  13. Hey,


    Got your PM, and I will have that information to you later tonight.

    Yes you are free to play with the dialogue tense and structure.



  14. No internet,,,.the horror!


    Im close to being done with the M4 document :-)

  15. Hey,

    I got the email, the dlg looks great.

    I looked at the google doc. I see some of it can be included, some details would need to be changed for example Drayen entered exile near the end of jedi civil war and returned after kotor2 evens, but the event you talked about can be what shoke up him and led to his exile choice. Will go in deeper once im home from work.



  16. check Return to Dan SG, sent skins

  17. Any luck with kotorfiles ?

  18. Great to hear!


    RoR is going well, I'm learning C# which has helped me understand the scripting in kotor2 much better. Things are falling into place.


    It would be great if we had some if the modders in a Google+ hangout talking about their modding experiences and what challenged you and how you found ways to resolve it- plus joke around about our favorite bugs and finding out a tester did something you didn't expect lol


    Wither we know it or not, we are in the club who know what each other are dealing with, which is ever growing with new Modders entering into scene as other retire or become more advisors/mentors.

  19. Modcast will be released in a few hrs

  20. Are you looking for a full time script person or just an adviser?

  21. hey,

    hows the placeable

  22. i can in 2 hrs. still finishing up at work

  23. download skins in SG for Return to dant

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