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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. Whats up


    How was your weekend?

  2. The base clothing for Kaila looks great! I'm placing on the site now, and later this week in the forum=)

  3. Cool!

    sounds good to me.

  4. RoR mod cast being released in 2 hrs or less

  5. update coming with video in 30 minutes or less

  6. Hey hows the VOs coming?

  7. i have to see which ones. I'm always looking for cool saber hilts for the mod.


    The ones i have seen look cool.

  8. Hey hows it going?

    Any new pics?

  9. Yes i received it, going to listen to it tonight =)


    I will PM you this weekend



  10. Hey,


    I'm sorry to hear that you might be leaving the project. I can see why you would be frustrated. I would say if you continue the project you should just build the world modules and then release them so that others can do the work of placing npcs and other things in there. Don't let others hold you down...this is your project your baby and a beautiful project it is =)


    I would love to have the source files, are these kotor2 compatible ( i know some of the skins might be from kotor1 and not in kotor2 which can be reskinned.)


    I might be able to use them for Revenge of Revan mod. How many modules do you have?


    If you ever want to do a module or two for Revenge of Revan, just let me know. I would be honored to have your high level quality work as part of the RoR project.





  11. cool, Let me know if there is anything you want me to help with.

  12. Thanks!!


    I got my new monitor, a 23 " LED. A lot better then what i had which was 8 yrs old.

  13. Hey, whats up


    I'm almost done with the act2 document for you

  14. hey do you review for deadlystreams?

  15. The links are in the post.


    I cant copy or paste since im on my cell.

    Just go to the RoR thread or my youtube site.

  16. I would leave the armor as is since it works great for the NPc that it will be =)

  17. It is up to you which ones are off limits, etc.

    I know this is your mod and want to respect your creation.

  18. I do have to say i like the Kestral Decloaking,

  19. thanks for the vote, want to let redrob know which one to go with.

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