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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. sending in 10 seconds

  2. ok, I see the issue, it wants to stay in kotor1 mode


    I will just have to copy and past what you have into a new dlg file

  3. hey did you get to play it?

  4. Hey sent the link.

    You only need to keep the bik movies from the former test and the VOs if any

  5. did you get my pm at deadly stream with link for test?

  6. did you get the links?

  7. added an update with video

  8. Welcome to the forum!

  9. sending in 10 seconds

  10. Hey,


    Got a question,


    This script causes the game to freeze but in a way that i can still move camera but can't move or click, i believe that the script is giving me infinity which basically does this.



    void main() {

    object oDestroy = GetFirstItemInInventory( GetFirstPC() );

    while( GetIsObjectValid( oDestroy ) ) {

    if( GetTag( oDestroy ) == "bomablood" )

    DestroyObject( oDestroy, 0.00, FALSE, 0.00 );

    oDestroy = GetNextItemInInventory( GetFirstPC() );

    object oItem=CreateItemOnObject( "bomastim", GetFirstPC(),1,0);




    What do you see that needs to be fixed?



  11. Hey,


    I'm doing well.

    The project is in full swing with the planets coming together. In the team forum is info on the the game's ...possible completion time table.


    Very soon (based on the team forum info i stated) we will be switching to placing in the polish and the the VOs so that will be moving up on the schedule....which is really exciting.


    With Drayen's VO I would go with Qui gon but also look at other roles that Liam neeson played in other movies. I'm look for the same type of mood from the voice, you don't need to get his voice exact, looking for the mood and presence of that type of voice.


    I hope that helps a little.



  12. How can i play it with a good resolution but not have it widescreen?

  13. did you download yet?

  14. Hey =)


    whats the issue with he install? What is confusing you?

  15. Got the email, and downloaded it!



  16. Hows the balancing- i know the 1.0 fight with the huge monsters was about...long....creatures took 30 mins to down.

  17. the modcast is released

  18. Hey, where have you been??

  19. Which one? the older version of Word, or the Word 7.0 version?

  20. You have email

  21. hey,

    thanks for the pm!

  22. Good, looking forward to a few more days off and some holiday food.

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