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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. New team modcasts coming this weekend

  2. Oh the script you gave me worked great! Thanks!

  3. i'm off to bed. I still have to create the new utis for the robes which don't have ones yet.



  4. hey check out the RoR team social group, when you get a chance

  5. Yes, its quite long,..and it will get longer that's just how it goes,lol


    Are you working on something new or do you plan to tweak your existing mod?


    What else have you been up to?

  6. The servers im on are :




    Sanctum of the Exalted

  7. How is the mod going?


    Good to see you still on the forums :)

  8. Hey, how have you been?

  9. Will be there later tonight. Im at work now

  10. check out RoR team social group

  11. hey i bought a domain from google for the mod. I have built something in google sites. How do i get this to the domain i bought to the none googlesite?

  12. that's good


    What the community adds for ideas are just for feedback and ideas, we will make all rulings.


    Also notice if a player knows they get a -1 to charisma for example...the player will tweak their start npc sheet to make up for it,..but still will cost them a point.



    Wondering if each should have a bonus to a type of saving throw or something unigue but nothing over powering,..just something the player can't tweak in the PC's creation

  13. Thanks for the VO recording, going to listen now =)

  14. Cool, very nice!


    Will this new version of M4-78 ...take on some of the feedback which has been given? or just bug fixes?

  15. I believe download the document then you can select to save as.. in the File menu,..and select from the save as pop up, where you can click the format of word document, there should be templet.

  16. Hey, how have you been?

  17. Hey,

    Everything is good. I will send you something today including info on the open cut scene.


    I finished building the Raptor/player ship, with working scripts and no bugs.



  18. Hey,

    I was going post something lastnight but end up passing out after work and waking at 1 am.


    I saw what you posted the only issue is that the player has to select thier PC before this scene which means you can be a human and tell the computer that your a wookie. I still dont know how we can do a check on the a part of the PC s species. Do you have any ideas?


    I will have to pm and start a thread on this topic as a challenge and see if someone can find something we can check in a script.


    I will post something tonight, was waiting for some feedback on the beta first. I will feel better once i know you guys did not find any game or major bugs :-)

  19. oh, im also making a change in one of the systems...can't say on here since anyone can read it.

  20. I am 31, and i do have a job,...now the progress was due to point i was unemployed for almost a year due to the economy in USA. Also the progress due to my interest in getting into the game industry so i understand game building. But even with the job i have im still modding most of the weekend be cause of my passion for the project. :)

    I hope this clears everything up.

  21. Hey,


    i see that you might be making a story mod.


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