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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. Happy New Year!!!

  2. Hey,


    Its going but slow due to the work load with RoR.


    I'm also getting ready for a Global GameJam event- learning a new engine.


    I'm going to have the script all working and place the alien VOs in for the dlg that's there.


    I wish i could get things done faster but I have a feeling that my work for the project will be slow. I will not be able to do global scripting and jrl entry items since when building those..they involve testing right off the bat.


    I'm trying to think who might be good to bring into the project that could take care of these.


    I will send what i have during this week.



  3. Yoo, whats new!

  4. Just tested and it works :)

  5. hey i posted in the RoR thread, let me know what you think



  6. lol,...Your Avatar says " Come and face me Revan Fanboys...see the true power of the Force!"

    "But first....LFG for Tank?"

    I'm sorry had to play on the tank healer thing lol =)


    Whats the Fanboys saying?

  7. You can always look for a different alien or you can have certain armor just for the rodian since he has a certain style or body requirement. Then you would need to make some skinned armor.

  8. posted in the ride of the new republic social group

  9. Hey no problem,

    I can't wait to see it =)


    Oh i showed SimonKTemplar some images you sent earlier in a PM to me and he thought they were awesome. He is the person who will be doing the cutscene for the mod

  10. Oh by the way the trust system is tweaked and now functional in the demo

  11. Hey what's up

  12. posted in the social group

  13. Hey, thanks for the PM. I figured it out, thanks!

  14. Hey,


    I'm glad you had a nice relaxing weekend, those are the best!


    "Just checked out ModDB. Looks good. Perhaps I should do a portrait montage screenshot of all the party members?"


    That would be great! I plan to update the ModDb site as often as the Lucas Forum's is so we can start building momentum on that site.


    I should have a small update video tomorrow or Wed.

    Also this weekend all the features should be done and tested which will allow me to move forward with building the mod.


    Also the blue screening has started.


    How is the modding going? i know you were working on Liana and the general Jedi robes from kotor1 as the default clothing for PC.



  15. Should be getting it soon. He has a few touches to do to it and finish up the last of the uvmapping

  16. Yeah, i would love to test your mod!!


  17. Hey, welcome back

    Whats new

  18. i'm doing good. Was sick this past weekend and still a bit inder the weather with my sinuses.


    I'm making the tweaks that J7 mentioned and hope to be done with the final scene tonight so it will leave me just to package everything new and updated for you all to test. =)


    I have one or two short blue screen movies to create, nothing to complicated.


    I have to say i'm very pleased with the feedback from everyone with the Beta, one =the great feedback and ideas to help make it better and the positive remarks has help calm some of my tension on how the public will react to the mod.


    Also feel free to post what J7 PMed in the team social group.


    I have more interview question and answers to post, got 3 more questions from Working classhero and a few more already recorded from Sith holocron's questions.




  19. I built the choice of the Species affecting your stats in the first dlg with the droid. So you will have an option there,..and dont have to throw in or out a ncs file to get it the way you want

  20. Great update :-)

  21. hey, i am going send you something that will help witb dlg creation and organization. Hows the writing going?

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