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Status Updates posted by Sithspecter

  1. It's going okay so far, I still have a few model issues to wrap up in the first module, then after that, I'm going to be pressing ahead with it.

  2. It's in a low spot, but expecting to pick up soon.

  3. It's on hold for the moment. But, I may need help later on.

  4. J7, I'm working on the upload if you'd like to get ready. :)

  5. Just as soon as Revan gets back...

  6. Just curious Darth333, but how long has it been since you've touched a modding tool?

  7. Just emailed you the fighter pilot stuff, and I'll get to work on those areas. Any textures that you could provide me with will be great. PS, do you have a Facebook?

  8. Just for personal enjoyment and discussion. Maybe some family members also.

  9. Killer avatar, by the way.

  10. Made a step by step tutorial for everyone now. ;)

  11. Magnus, what's the latest version of KAurora?

  12. Maybe. I'm really leaning towards doing some more OT bounty hunters though.

  13. Me, too. I may stick around on the forums a little bit, but I need the time. It was a really hard decision to make, but it will help me a lot in the long run.

  14. Merry Christmas to you too ZM!

  15. My thought is that maybe you could have the Sith attack the Temple at Tython with the purpose of capturing a few of the Jedi. Sort of like a kidnapping raid. Maybe Per'rda and Qyzen could be hunting out in the Gnarls or something, and an attack befalls them. Maybe some Sith could be affecting the Flesh Raiders or something.

  16. New chapter of Squadron Legacy is up. Let me know what you think, I'm not sure how well I did on it.

  17. New pics up in the group!

  18. No wonder I've never seen it. It's just for you Brits, and I'm just a lowly Yank.

  19. No worries about the skybox, in any case Sleheyron's just putting along at my own slow pace. The modding goes okay, Revan's cape is coming along fine but slow, kinda in bursts, like I'll do a thousand frames one week and then get tired of it for a while...

  20. No worries! I appreciate it. If you want, I can take over duties for Mod of the Year in the future.

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