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Status Updates posted by harIII

  1. Thanks I really appreciate it. I've been working on this area for God knows how long and it's finally coming together.

  2. thanks i'll see if I can reupload them soon

  3. Thanks I'm happy that the tutorials are working out for you and sorry for my much delayed reply, I didn't have an internet connections while I was home for Christmas.

  4. Thanks, but you can congratulate Dak Drexl for it. It was his idea to show off the new Alternative Introductions.

  5. Thanks, maybe I'll be able to deliver you a pizza some time. Also I'm not sure how in the world I'm going to be able to send you the material without dropbox because the override is too big and I can't upload it within my battery's life. Can you think up of anything else?

  6. That will be fine, I'll give you the go ahead for the "Minion" statues guarding the tomb. Also remember, be as creative as you want.

  7. That's been my problem too. I finally figured out how to make new areas pretty easily and I have another idea which if it works will make the process a thousand times easier; at least for interior or exterior buildings and cities

  8. That's fine, I'd rather you take your time than rush it. Is it crashing whenever you're doing a particular function or just something at random? If it's just something at random maybe you can make videos every 10 or 15 minutes just to know you have the recording and the model.

  9. That's great and it will be for k1

  10. That's great, what exactly did you do to make them functional in game?

  11. That's really weird, I was expecting everything to be in the gui folder. Let ask around and I'll let you know.

  12. That's the old version, I'm making a state of the art version now...

  13. The project has been a little slow lately, I've finally found work at Pizza Hut! Hopefully I'll have the latest game material uploaded today and you'll find a message from me shortly.

  14. The project is still running but lately it has been slow due to college executing its dark reign of terror upon me with all kinds of assignments. However I do intend to continue SOTE once I can find some time to get down and dirty with the mod.

  15. The skins are sick, can you come on over the TH? If not let me know and I'll tell in a PM.

  16. want to mod today? if so come to gmail

  17. Welcome back TB, when you get a chance yell at me on gmail or the sote chatbox

  18. Well as far as I'm concern we can use your help. For now I would really like to get a lot of these modules reskinned (a lot as in about 80 :p). The ones that I would like you to reskin will be the modules for Slehayron, 8 so far. I would like to see a planet similar to Taris in KOTOR. I really liked the bright atmosphere, the sun lit area; that's what I kind of hated about TSL, there weren't any planets similar to Taris and I really liked that place. So I would like Slehayron to look a lot like Taris.

  19. When you get a chance can you send me the textures I had you make for the Malachor IV temple. The ones that looked kind of tan or brownish.

  20. where are you at?

  21. With a simple skin we can have this thing work for anything. But now that you said the Death Star I think that's where it belongs. It has a sinister feel to it.

  22. Would you be able to make me a video tutorial about how to make a walkmesh for an area model. I'll give you an area to play with if that will help.

  23. Would you mind resending the PM you sent me yesterday? I errr, accidentally deleted it. My inbox was getting full and I went hog wild on a deleting rampage and deleted your PM by mistake.

  24. Wow, impressive. However I'm saving my money up for possibly a Chevy Camaro, touche...

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