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Status Updates posted by harIII

  1. I think the earliest I'll be on will be maybe 10ish tonight because I have a class yet tonight and then I have to go to a party.

  2. Once you have K1 and Kotor Tool downloaded you need to go to the following directories and select which Double-Bladed Lightsaber for Darth Bandon you're going to us (I believe that's why you VMed me), I'm going to assume that you're going to use the red one.


    BIFs / Templates / Blueprint, Item / and scroll down for the g_w_dblsbr002.utc and double click it.


    For now the main thing you want to focuse on are the four tabs, for you being a beginner you want to pay the most attention to the properties and description tabs.


    Properties - This is where you go to add properties to the weapon such as damage bonuses and attribute gains. There are numberous things you can do here and most of them are selfexplainatory and I'm not going to take the time to describe each one because there are so many. But add or change anything you want here to you're satisfaction and you'll be halfway there.

  3. Hey there chiefy, just wondering what the status in on the Phoenix model I sent you.

  4. It should be the same for both K1 and TSL though I personally would rather mod TSL because you simply can do more things with it.

  5. Wow, the launcher looks great

  6. yo dude, can you come over to this chatbox for sote for a bit?


  7. it's about 4:30, go to Team Hssiss

  8. How has the module reskinning been coming along?

  9. Message 1 - Ok hot rod I don't mean to be a dick about it but please ask in the future about what you're going to skin because I'm sad to say that with Ansion you did a lot of work for nothing. With the background of the city and the plan I want to go in the team already created a theme and look for Ansion which we'd like to us but just haven't implemented it yet.

  10. Yo dude, come over to SOTE chatbox...

  11. Hey, I was wondering if you knew how the scripting system works for Pazaak or Swoop Racing. If so can you give me a pretty good dissection of them?

  12. Message 2 - Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for your enthusiasm about working with SOTE but please ask what you do in the future. Also here's a short list of what you can work on for the time being. I need to new skin for the Ebon Hawk, the one that is damaged, the Devastator, and I think it's 851NIH, it's the first ravager module you come into. The Ebon Hawk just needs to look different but dark, as though it's been badly damaged (since it has been badly damaged :p) The Devastator just needs to look a bit more Imperial, it needs to look SIMILAR to the Death Star, that's what I envision here. The the 851NIH area needs to be reskinned so that it's essentially a tomb. If you want you can probably get away with using the vanilla texture that came with TSL that were used in either the Sith Academy or the Secret Tomb. lol, maybe you can use both :p

  13. You're good, I actually got it figured out. I just got 3 coordinates from around a map in different areas and kept changing the scale until those 3 coordinates lined up with the models. Thanks though.

  14. With a simple skin we can have this thing work for anything. But now that you said the Death Star I think that's where it belongs. It has a sinister feel to it.

  15. No worries, again I you have no idea how much your enthusiasm is exciting me. In the future just clear it with me before you go haywire and skin away. Also for future reference if you need something to work on, I need as many new heads as possible, so I'm open to them.

  16. I'm on right now if you want to meet

  17. Welcome back TB, when you get a chance yell at me on gmail or the sote chatbox

  18. You have to use some kind of conditional script. Whether you complete a mission, obtain an item, or based upon a boolean statement; you need something to say if this has occurred then do that.


    Here are two documents that I have that can help:



  19. Hey chiefy, out of curiosity, did you ever get the Crazy Night modules working?

  20. thanks i'll see if I can reupload them soon

  21. Hi, I took notice that you helped write about 9 different stories for the Sith Resurrection. I'm currently working on a story conversion mod for The Sith Lords known as Shadows of the Empire. Since it appears you have excellent story telling capabilities, would you have a problem if I got your help getting the fine details of the plots I'm working with?

  22. Don't worry about it chief, it turns out I just needed an updated Direct X. I came across it by accident when I installed a game. But when I loaded the file the walkmesh color was red. At this point I'm back tracking as best I can.

  23. Good deal, I think that we had a problem with that in the beginning but now we got our pants on right...

  24. do you have an email or preferably skype

  25. Hey I was just informed that my module video tutorial download links aren't working any more, I'm setting them back up now. Can you come to this site for a bit?



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