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Status Updates posted by harIII

  1. It should be the same for both K1 and TSL though I personally would rather mod TSL because you simply can do more things with it.

  2. harIII

    It would be greatly appreciated but I respect that you have your own mods you want to work on as well. When you've cleared your table a bit, let me know if you're still interested.

  3. it's about 4:30, go to Team Hssiss

  4. It's going well, I'm still working on Korriban but it's coming along. This week though will be rough because I'm doing something pretty much every waking minute until Saturday. But it's moving right along.

  5. just want to make sure that you are the same alex denby that i'm friending on skype...

  6. Let me know when you have arsenal of democracy on your computer

  7. Let's set up a meeting soon so that I can get you set up. Tell me your schedule and I'll get it fixed.

  8. lol, I'll get it up tonight if I can, if not, tomorrow.

  9. lol, i'm sure there's no reason why you associate a devil smiley face and secrets with your man colbert

  10. lol, it's kind of debate/war between myself and Working Class Hero. We'll have debates about politics over at Team Hssiss website. Last skirmish ended with Patriots 3 and Socialists 0, it's too easy :p.

  11. lol, just in time for the new skyrocketed taxes that will take affect for healthcare this january... thank you obama

  12. Love it, that a great start. I like the idea of the evil area on Coruscant, would you want to apply it to SOTE's Coruscant? Even if that means to change the plot?

  13. make sure you look at the bottom of the page

  14. Message 1 - Ok hot rod I don't mean to be a dick about it but please ask in the future about what you're going to skin because I'm sad to say that with Ansion you did a lot of work for nothing. With the background of the city and the plan I want to go in the team already created a theme and look for Ansion which we'd like to us but just haven't implemented it yet.

  15. Message 2 - Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for your enthusiasm about working with SOTE but please ask what you do in the future. Also here's a short list of what you can work on for the time being. I need to new skin for the Ebon Hawk, the one that is damaged, the Devastator, and I think it's 851NIH, it's the first ravager module you come into. The Ebon Hawk just needs to look different but dark, as though it's been badly damaged (since it has been badly damaged :p) The Devastator just needs to look a bit more Imperial, it needs to look SIMILAR to the Death Star, that's what I envision here. The the 851NIH area needs to be reskinned so that it's essentially a tomb. If you want you can probably get away with using the vanilla texture that came with TSL that were used in either the Sith Academy or the Secret Tomb. lol, maybe you can use both :p

  16. Nice job on the models. Can we talk on the SOTE chatbox at some point about getting you to do some serious model work for the project?

  17. No problem, i take it you now have all of the latest game material.

  18. No problem, I uhhh, actually just got back into modding. I took a little break for r and r.

  19. No problem, just swing by skype and you'll find me there, that's where I've been hanging around of late.

  20. No problem, just think it's easier on the Chat box.

  21. No problem. Also if you're interested would you like to help populate the Phoenix modules? I just basically need a Imperials and Sith placed in them and I can't proceed until I do that (at least after I finish Yavin which will be soon).

  22. No worries, again I you have no idea how much your enthusiasm is exciting me. In the future just clear it with me before you go haywire and skin away. Also for future reference if you need something to work on, I need as many new heads as possible, so I'm open to them.

  23. no worries, i was just curious

  24. No worries, I was just wondering what the status was on it. I'm honestly not too worried about it at the moment because I too haven't had any time to mod due to college.

  25. No, I'm really not a fan of purchasing a $50 game and then have to pay a monthly fee for something I already bought. Now if I can play through the plot without going into multiplayer mod, then I would get it but until then, I'm not getting it.

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