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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. can you come to hss?

  2. Could you help me? My version of nw max is broken, if I send you a max file could you export it and send me the ascii file?

  3. uh... why aren't you responding on hss?

  4. Hows TJM2 coming?

  5. And yet we are just reaching our golden age... I think I should release some of my random files....

  6. Whats with the files of the week? Why are they old ones? Is it cuz theres not enough mods being made?

  7. I'm just the skinner :thmbup1:

  8. the mod will be more balanced then the game was

  9. Happy b-day shem!


    Oh, if you wouldn't mind could you merge the 2 team hssiss accounts. J7 told me to ask you.

  10. Fixes things, adds more powers, feats. Adds arenas to each planet. Adds more armors, weapons, ect.


    Oh and StrategyInformer.com wants to host Curse of the Sith. Should we let em?

  11. Me and VP have a new mod being made (its not story, hurrah!) It is technically a k1 enhancement pack. Not like SA's.


    Care to test it when its done?

  12. Do you have any power over accounts? I uploaded a mod to EaW files and they put my account at canderis1. I was wondering if you could fix this (eaw's staff is not helpful....)


    Also about the 2 team hssiss accounts...

  13. If you want I could get renders of your models in 3ds max. That way they don't show so much blockieness.

  14. Hay, saw your new thread. As with TMC, if you need/want my help feel free to ask!

  15. Hi, I am planning on getting a website soon, and I was thinking of using the host jumpstationz has. Is it good? And do I also have to purchase a domain name besides just the plan?

  16. Hay, would you mind if, once its released, if I use your Mandalorian armor skins in my Canderous' Glory mod? I plan to give most (if not all) Mandos in it a unique armor.

    Great job btw

  17. Care to come to hss?

  18. Sorry, i just got home (20 min ago) from a week trip to iowa. Ill start real soon (my soon, not trig soon)

  19. Its a common bug. should be a fix somewhere. post a link request for "team gizak fixes" in the mod link request thread.

  20. the model variation number corrospawns with the model number. If you don't include the tgas it ends up having a white blade.

  21. I assume you set the files of the week? Thanks for including my mod :D


    Oh- I am packaging up a new version of it soon.

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