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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. Thanks Q, I had a really cool for a Mannan expanded mod (Ahto City) and for it I needed a waterfall. Seeing some of your areas gave me the idea. :D

  2. Is it possible to add a flowing waterfall yet?

  3. Thanks, my mom is going to be fine, she had a chemical imbalance, it was making her crazy(ish). We don't know what caused it. Thanks for the concern. I hope she gets out soon.

  4. Hi, do you by chance have a link to the cut shadowlands restoration mod you made with DJ?

  5. Can i get a link to your mandalorian armors mod for k1?

  6. Me sabras es tu sabras



    If you have any particular concept you'd like send it over!

  7. Hi logan. Hows the sabers workin for ya?

  8. Hows things going HK?

  9. I finally found out your avatar! Death Troopers!

  10. I saw your WIP thread, looks amazing! I came to offer my help to you, to remove some of the stress. I wouldn't mind helping with placing/dialog for your areas. Its the 2nd form of modding I learned and I have picked up on some nifty tricks. PM me if you'd like my help.


    Great job!

  11. Student is very vague. I am a student, but of high school.

  12. its ok, i can handle it. PM me the map once you find it.

  13. Was wondering if you could add a little more detail to the head in CG. Also could you send me mandalore's EAW map you made?

  14. You said you can do "wounded" textures well?

  15. I am working on the head for CG so you don't have to.

  16. I am good, I am working on reviving my CG mod. The new head is almost done :D

  17. Hows it going J7?

  18. Sorry, for some reason I can't find the right field to put it in, can't help atm. :(

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