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Status Updates posted by Trench

  1. Downloading now.

  2. Dude, your Avatar is awesome! Where'd you get it, and do they have Mandalorians?:p

  3. Dude! Your sabers got accepted! Woohoo!:urpdude:

  4. Eat something. We can wait for you.

  5. Either a hacker or a mod/admin reduced my count. My posts are still there but my count has reduced me to the lowly status of lurker.:(

  6. Either one is fine with me. Its your launcher after all.:D

  7. Either that or one of the mods or admins is in a bad/playful mood:p

  8. Emperor Devon's just mad because I didn't offer to help him with his avatar:xp:

  9. Erm... *embarrassed* I'm not actually sure what they are. [/n00b]

  10. Ever been to the Brothers All Forum?

  11. Ever been to the general Forum games?

  12. Ever played KotOR?

  13. Everything is done exept for Mand'alor's VO. I'll see what I can get done, but we'll be in Michigan for a few days to visit my grandfather, who may have been diagnosed with lung cancer.

  14. Exactly. They also ruined the Mandalorians by turning Manda'yaim into a wastelend, and saying the Mando'ade prefer houses made of glass.

  15. Excuse me Quanon, but would you happen to know where there are render plugins for Gmax? I can't seem to find any.

  16. Excuse me! I guess I shouldn't have had that burrito last night.:p

  17. Fett or Derred. It's your decision ner'vod.

  18. Finally finished downloading. Installing now.

  19. Fine, I'll think of something myself:lol: I'm on it boss:D

  20. Fine:xp:, I guess I'll start over. There's just no pleasing you is there?:D

  21. Flame-bait is a sentence that is meant to goad another user into flaming someone. Both flaming and flame-baiting are against the rules here.:cop:

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