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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. Ha, I looked back on that old season 3 LEAKED Clone Wars thng I made a while back and just laughed! Its kinda stupid readng it then seeing all of the coments at the bottom! I can be an idiot some times! (Heck, everybody can!) That would make an idotic clone wars season! Don't you agree?

  2. happy belated Birthday

  3. Happy Birthday!!!!! Best wishes in your 26th year!

  4. have anyone I could voice act in the mod? Anybody open?

  5. have fun at the harry potter place. I just saw something on the today show about it and it looked amazing.

  6. have you ever gotten an infraction when you were a noob? What I mean is, I've gotton one infraction for noobie eagerness and spamming, when I am a bit older (say in 7 to ten years from now) could I become a moderator as long as I contininue to follow the rules?

  7. Haven't seen you in a while on these forums mate. Can you plz friend me?

  8. havin' fun killin' meatbags? LOL!

  9. Hay. Can you plz email me your phone number? I may wanna talk with ya in person.

  10. He said what the, you know what. You know, the place where the devil lives? Thank God he didn't say the other one!

  11. He was the one on the cart, my character thought he was an assassin.

  12. He'll probably grow on ya, how old are you, I'm 13 and I love modding (go figure!)

  13. hello DD! What up? Any luck on any dudes?

  14. Hey betrayal, are you a modder?

  15. hey DAK! How was the SAT? Any luck on Kala Ordo yet?

  16. Hey dawg! Wanna see the sweet concept art for our mod (The Jedi Knights)? I'll email it to you. It was made by our very own Dax Drexl!

  17. hey DD, are you homeschooled? Becuase I would think you wouldn't have access to a computer if you didn't. Just curious

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