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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. Oh, I love your I avenian fic!

  2. ohh cool. Where in MD? Maybe we can meet sometime! LOL

  3. ohh, and can you actually play the file so i can listen to it? I kinda lost my ability to read music after I stopped piano! LOL

  4. ohh, i see, where do you go? Maybe i have heard of it? Notre Dame academy, or the Ideal Schools perhaps?

  5. ohh, I thought it was kinda weird that Lynk was trying to flirt with you LOL. Did you have fun in Tahiti?

  6. ohh, wait, never mind, I see you have already sent me something! R U going to send your Zayne?

  7. ohh, yes, I see that. I just sent you the lines.

  8. ok great, when are you doing the modcats?

  9. ok, good night, and happy skinning!

  10. ok, got it. Well, have fun killing meatbags.

  11. Ok, I should have it to you by tommorow. Be sure to view Dak's brand new pics in my mod thread in Howlan!

  12. ok, i was about to post pics, but I am glad you stopped me.

  13. ok, I won't send another joke for a few months. XD

  14. Ok, I'll have Dak Drexl make the launcher concept and you can make it. Deal?

  15. Ok, i'll invite you to the group.

  16. Ok, I'm back, shall we continiue with the RP?

  17. ok, maybe you should change your avatar before you attract to much attension! Others surely did with their avatars!

  18. ok, next chapter is posted, are you interested in joining Star Trek Final Frontier RP though?

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