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Mandalorian Mercenary

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Status Updates posted by Mandalorian Mercenary

  1. And could you make a tutorial or tell me how to make the DC-15 a usable weapon?

  2. Hey ner vod, I'm loving the Verpine!

  3. Hey Ulmont, how do you make shaders for a texture again? Cause I made about 4 today but forgot how to make shaders..:p

  4. Sure :) What d'ya want to know?

  5. Why no posts in CM vod? Haven't seen you around lately..

  6. Oh, it's mandalorian for "my brother". :) If your interested, here's the rest of the language! http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/f34/mandoa-dictionary-28417/

  7. gahhh fierfek you beat my post by 4 minutes!

  8. Are you involved in any mod groups for any games?

  9. ohhhhhhhh okay thanks!!! :D

  10. Thanks for the texture, now how do I open it? Import into RC unrealed then export as a .bmp i assume?

  11. Thanks for adding your pictures to the Mandopics group; they look great!

  12. Many thanks ner vod :D Do you happen to have any idea how I open the .tga file of the lightsaber texture hockey e-mailed me? I'm gonna spruce it up in GIMP, but I need to know how to open it first :wornout:

  13. Hey vod, check out the website I found. It's in the CM group discussions.

  14. last time I checked, we weren't adding any people from TCW, although Prudii made an EXCELLENT coruscant guard skin; we may have some lines for them..

  15. I should definately make that my signature xD

  16. That's awesome ner vod :D We need to hook up with someone on youtube who would be willing to broadcast our stuff.. someone with like 500k views :p


    But that's great! Lookign forward to it. :)

  17. Hey ner vod, d'ya need those lines now?

  18. heh thanks! :D There's a sequel if you haven't seen it already. Alright, so for the basics..lemme make a quick tutorial.

  19. Hey ner vod, I got the lightsaber texture all done. I'll e-mail it to you when I get the chance, which will probably be in a couple hours.


    and could you send me the ep3 helmet texture as a .bmp if you could? or .tga, whichever works best for you. I'm working on a special skin :D

  20. Hey ner vod, think you could e-mail me the EP3 clone helmet?



  21. Do you happen to speak any Mando'a? :)

  22. Welcome to LucasForums ner vod! :)

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