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Everything posted by cinnamon

  1. His new book "Eerie Tales from the School of Screams" looks fun, the grickle sort of fun anyway, which I enjoy. A few years ago there was a kickstarter for a limited production of hidden people garden gnome statues. I didn't get one because the cost was prohibitive for me, but it would be interesting to see pictures of how (creepy) they look in people's gardens
  2. I wish we could get a hint from Moriarty that interest in this may nudge LucasFilms Games to fund the sequels.
  3. In the end-game screen you can also place Guybrush at the church entrance and he'll ask Elaine if they could renew their vows and she says "maybe another time".
  4. I wonder if the concept art we get during the credits, which is randomized, is available in a higer resolution in the actual game files. I think there's a few images that show cut stuff, related to the island and otherwise.
  5. Zero, but I was very tempted during the last chapter in the second ring because I couldn't clearly tell what the in-game rule expected of me. So I spend time looking too much into background details and trying to interpret them, when the solution was much easier. It did help that I took a break to go for a walk with my dog and then return back to the game with a fresh mind.
  6. I'm also wondering about the missing photo. It's under the photo of Wally being chained up. I was thinking it might have to do something with rescuing Wally but evidently this is not the case. One of the many details I liked in the game was that you could show the clure to Bella Fisher's corpse and tell her stories, even after Guybrush destroys her ship, to which he comments that she still looks angry after the story. I'm not sure if any story path can have a different impact on the corpse.
  7. Does anyone know if it is possible to leave Cogg Island after you've visited it, or is Guybrush supposed to drown? I couldn't find an exit spot and the blowfish did not extend his air supply.
  8. I haven't watched the whole discussion yet, but I got a chuckle when they were asked to define the adventure game genre, and they really failed to. They offer some characteristics and design principles but many of the games in the genre, a lot of them theirs, would be disqualified based on those.
  9. Thank you very much! Is there a changelog on the web site?
  10. This explains why I remember the scene to be much slower on the original Schneider PC I had played it but then later on faster PCs it played a lot faster than that.
  11. That part does play fast but in this case with latest DREAMM it's almost instantaneous.
  12. During the Loom EGA intro the messenger nymph that travels to Bobbin is moving very fast, and the screen scrolling at this point is also too fast. I am running beta 1.0b3.
  13. I liked the Monkey Island 2 ending as a series ending and the "mystery" reveal.
  14. I'm so excited this is happening! A new Monkey Island from R. Gilbert and D. Grossman!
  15. I don't think I've heard about this project before, but it sounds (and looks from the screenshots) like an awesome fan work! Thank you for your efforts on the English translation. And happy holidays!
  16. Yes, I did read that bit on the email, but thought it was unclear, too. I guess we wait and see.
  17. The article here mentions that on GOG one should see the discount at the game's page, if they already own the original. This is not working like that, not yet anyway. The game's page (on GOG) still shows the full price. You have to click on "preorder now" on the game's page to see the discount (and at the same time the game gets added in the shopping cart).
  18. Does anyone know if the Game History Foundation intent to make the youtube stream publicly available at some point. They did sent me the link to the archive but there was no mention of it going completely public /accessible to everyone.
  19. Inclusivity is a good thing. I argue that how it is currently applied in the gaming industry (and movie industry and other sectors) leads to a bad place for the reasons I've listed. I don't see it promoting unity, or even harmony in business or the society that receive its products. I do see it used as a new marketing "weapon" or an evasive maneuver to deal with a current overreacting crowd and/or signal allignment with specific politics. It will unfortunately change if or when the tide shifts. And the tide is guaranteed to shift because when you apply inclusivity in an extreme way, it builds up resentment or at the very least people get too weirded out. To make the point more ridiculous, should black people only voice black characters? Should chinese-americans only voice chinese-americans? Is a purple character in a game (eg. other Sam & Max) considered a person of colour and thus -- just to be safe -- a black actor should voice them? Should voice actors be changed for new remasters of other games or movies of the 2000's or before in anticipation of not angering twitter people? Noah has a point. As a *counter* bit you could watch Bill Burr's "Paper Tiger", about a comment on Bryan's Cranston's case being cast as a paraplegic. You cannot expect (or demand) an actual paraplegic to be cast in a paraplegic role because it severely limits the options and talent available, and it's also not your (or any random person's outside the production crew) choice to make. Nor does a random person know the specifics of making of a movie or how not getting your first (second or third) casting choice (and being presented with an outsider's choice) or recasting to avoid complaints affects production. Or how a script re-write potentially affects plot cohesion, characterisation. Even under the "normal" circumstances that require re-writes and recasts, like unforeseen unavailability, illness, death. In the end, it's a director, a producer and possible a marketing consultant that make the decision. These people rarely actually care about inclusivity or being fair to minorities, especially if it goes against the movie or game making profit. It's just that they care about it this specific period, because the media and loud people on twitter "care", and that creates backlash and the bad kind of attention. However, for actors like Cranston or Johansson you could make the argument Noah makes, but without it being specifically about minorities. The big (and arguably quite good at their job) actors will get more roles, even roles that could very well be played by less popular or unknown actors (not even necessarily minority ones). This is how the industry works, and it's not about minorities or someone being racist, or whatever -ist or -phobic. People will make it being about minorities and racism or whatever, media will make it about that too, or at least enhance the complaint, but they are completely missing the point, as I see it anyway, But being enhanced and encouraged this is surely leading to a very bad place because it is a overreaction and hyperbole, on top of it being poorly justified (and with a poor understanding of why things are the way they are) and that cannot be sustained for long without causing serious issues to products and possibly an ugly backlash. I'm already reading the word racist and every kind of -ist and -phobe thrown around on Twitter and such, as if they lost their actual meaning. People barely have to provide reasoning or proof for a claim and they get their way based on the crowd they influence or how much harm they can make to a newly released product. None of this is good. And none of this was like that when this trend started. It's not getting better. It's getting worse.
  20. Because this happened in this day and year, of course. Me assuming they did it for that reason, does not necessarily mean they actually did it for that. However, I mean, just look what is happening in the industry, it cannot be just coincidences. Nobody seems to want the "bad" kind of attention and companies rush to make changes at the first tweet. The "bad place" is an answer to the question about the slippery slide ie. "we may be heading there". Obviously, it's not a "bad place" for a developer to make a decision that reflects their political views, albeit it is a bit more complicated than than, when that decision concerns work already published, like in this specific case. Well, from my perspective, that is an overreaction. It didn't use to be "controversial" and it really is not at least among the people I'm talking to. And Sam n Max season one released in the mid to late 2000's. A modern era. People were cautious to avoid racism back then, too. It wasn't that much different then, but it seems in US the line for "racisim" has been moved. I am also aware that the trend is also in some western European countries. I kind of think that it originated in the US and it's more prominent there, but I may be wrong about that one. All I'm noting is that it's a weird trend which in my opinion it will ultimately and inevitably die out. Because it's not leading to the good place it hopes to.
  21. I thought I just described it above. Isn't it obvious? To me it looks like a step backwards (hiring based on skin color and removing content out of fear of what people will complaint *loudly* about) and a slide into a pit of creating resentment everywhere -- eg. dismissing (or worse firing) talent or existing work for the sake of "current politics", being called a racist, bigot, (or at the very least "hater" if you disagree with this trend (in many places, it's not my experience here nor on most non-US forums), and essentially having the terms "racist' etc meaning degraded. It's probably more bad stuff. Hence, a bad place.
  22. The modern sensibilities change as time passes and politics shift. The dangerous slide is to try and respect the most loud complaints. It's hiring and firing/dismissing based on skin color, it's "respecting" that an actor cannot voice a black character because he/she are not black themselves, it's "respecting' that an actor cannot portray a paraplegic because he is not paraplegic himself. This goes on of course, it's not just two or three examples, and all just in the past year. It's a slide towards a really bad place.
  23. Always nice to discover stuff like this. I bet this art (the original asset) is still somewhere on someone's drive, waiting to be shared! If it were to be restored, it would probably have worked as a secondary camera angle during the intro cutscene.
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