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Mojo Updater
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Everything posted by Remi

  1. Because you love polls: what's your favorite Sam & Max game? As always, your picks are public.
  2. I know we have the Puerto Pollo art somewhere, but I cannot find it for the life of me... Mind if we nab it for Mojo?
  3. I've always had mixed feelings about CMI's graphics. They're objectively gorgeous with great atmosphere, and they're distinctively their own thing. The latter is what I'm a bit shifty-eyed about, as it loses that Purcell-y, Chan-y, etc.-y touch the two original games had. That is probably a me-problem, though I maintain the character art generally is totally off. The music is fantastic, though.
  4. I will put out a promise right now. Two in fact: Sidebars will return in MojoHEX. MojoHEX will arrive in 2020. And that's a Remi PromiseTM.
  5. Because you love polls! The correct answer is MI2, by the way. Grim will also be accepted.
  6. Seeing that any and every LucasArts forum I've seen has started with this question, I'm just getting it done with. Your choice is public, to maximize shaming.
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