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Mojo Updater
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Everything posted by Remi

  1. I'm glad we all agree CMI shouldn't even be considered a Monkey Island game!
  2. Probably, but it’s faster to open it with ctrl+click. (The rest has nothing to do with permissions.)
  3. We'll accept them anyway.
  4. We just posted a gripping account of Jason framing his Maniac Mansion poster. Now that you've caught your breath and recovered from such a harrowing tale, here's your chance to show off how your LEC posters look adorning your walls. (Yes, I know, we have similar threads, but this is Mojo's Home Interior thread.) We'll start with Jason's.
  5. You may have experienced two issues installing and playing the standalone GOG (non-Galaxy) versions of SCUMM games: 1) The installer gives you a permission error; 2) the SCUMM windows starts mysteriously shrinking while playing. Both can be fixed fairly easily, assuming you already have the latest version of ScummVM installed. The steps, using Sam & Max Hit The Road... Make sure you download the standalone installation package... After download, when you try to open the installation package, you may get this message... In which case, you need to click "OK," and then ctrl-click the packages, click "Open With...," and choose "Installer.app." Installation will proceed as normal. Now, to fix the shrinking window. Locate the game file, likely in your app folder. Ctrl-click the icon, and click "Show Package Contents." Navigate to the Contents->Resources->game->game folder, and copy all the files over to a location of your choosing. (In my case, iCloud Drive->Documents->Sam & Max.) And that's it. In ScummVM you can add the game from the "Sam & Max" folder, and you'll be good to go.
  6. CMI is a nineties sitcom gone wrong. That's just how I feel.
  7. I'm just going to echo both of those lists.
  8. Just to correct the typo, you probably meant to say: MI2 MI1 TMI EMI CMI (I only assume everyone means to agree with me.)
  9. Well, that sucks. Why would they even have them there for download? The Steam versions will work at least. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. I agree. I consider Hit the Road the better game, but Beyond Time and Space is generally more fun to play. Music is great, too.
  11. Thanks! I actually found that the GOG version comes with both the manual and the hint guide which are nice bonuses.
  12. You can get all your purchases through TTG again -- I'm seeing all of mine, at least. I can't speak for Devil's Playhouse on Windows, but it runs fine on macOS. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work. Make sure to play all three seasons in order, though, to get the most out of them.
  13. Yep, there's only one correct choice in that poll. No disrespect to its three predecessors, but come on.
  14. Because you love polls: what's your favorite Sam & Max game? As always, your picks are public.
  15. I know we have the Puerto Pollo art somewhere, but I cannot find it for the life of me... Mind if we nab it for Mojo?
  16. I've always had mixed feelings about CMI's graphics. They're objectively gorgeous with great atmosphere, and they're distinctively their own thing. The latter is what I'm a bit shifty-eyed about, as it loses that Purcell-y, Chan-y, etc.-y touch the two original games had. That is probably a me-problem, though I maintain the character art generally is totally off. The music is fantastic, though.
  17. I will put out a promise right now. Two in fact: Sidebars will return in MojoHEX. MojoHEX will arrive in 2020. And that's a Remi PromiseTM.
  18. Because you love polls! The correct answer is MI2, by the way. Grim will also be accepted.
  19. Seeing that any and every LucasArts forum I've seen has started with this question, I'm just getting it done with. Your choice is public, to maximize shaming.
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