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Status Updates posted by EnderWiggin

  1. I'm confused by your non-Lara avatar :confused:





  2. I'm doing quite well. Glad the weather is better. Happy about tomorrow's holiday, too.



  3. I'm glad to see you've returned, then.





  4. I'm good, and you?



  5. I'm not going to build until after Windows 7 comes out.


    If I buy an X58 motherboard when it goes on sale (say, maybe Sept) and then try to buy a Dx11 video card around Christmas, am I going to have trouble?



  6. I'm not out to trap you, just hoping to have a nice debate with someone not crazily conservative/unwilling to listen to opposing viewpoints :lol:



  7. I'm ok. About to take a trip out to Pittsburgh for a while.


    Good to hear from you though :D



  8. i'm ok. glad to have a few days to myself here.



  9. I'm so busy, Jonathan!





  10. I've been off the skypechat - where's Iny?



  11. In the p_lehah utc (the file with the stats of your recruited character), did you place the name of the dialog you want it to speak in the conversation field?



  12. Is there a specific problem you have with :xp:?


    Or do you just not like its meaning? :xp:





  13. It seems that you and I have names that are quite close :)



  14. It was a brilliant thread :D



  15. It's good to see you again. :)



  16. It's not about how many messages you have - it's about who's leaving them.



  17. Jae you're in medicine and you're a mom.


    Cure my flu.



  18. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean that I don't want to be your friend, and the fact that you broke our friendship is in fact a bit absurd.


    You're being petulant, at this point.



  19. Kavar's and Senate, but it's ok now. Garfy got banned :xp:


    The weather is great - about 26ºC today.


    Glad to hear your boyfriend is coming home soon :) What's the ETA on the laptop return?



  20. Less sincere, Inyri?


    I'm completely serious. :|


    Samuel is mine. Stay away.



  21. Litofshky why are you not on the forums?



  22. Little over an hour NW of Philly - in between Reading and Allentown, or thereabouts :)


    Probably about an hour and a half away from you.



  23. Lolz. Left LF for a very long time, did you?





  24. Looking for a laugh?


    Head on over to the tech forum for my response :(



  25. Luckily J7 took care of it........


    Yay for Kavar's cool downs!



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