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Status Updates posted by EnderWiggin

  1. Many thanks, Astor! Your generosity will not be forgotten!



  2. Much better now that this weekend is over.


    My life will slow a bit in the months of March and April, thankfully. And maybe I'll have time to do things I actually enjoy again!



  3. My life's slowing a bit, thankfully :D


    I should enjoy life a little more this month, so I guess I'm doing rather well.



  4. Nah, I'm not one of those 'quiet angry people'.


    If I get angry, I usually at least bring it up with the person :D



  5. nah, nothing against booze - just had an aunt who was an alcoholic.


    So while alcohol itself doesn't bother me, being jovial about the addiction sometimes offends a tiny bit.


    Most often when I get that annoyed feeling (like when I told you to leave the group) I don't even consciously think about why.


    So never mind, actually - just being a bit oversensitive :xp:



  6. Nah. For the last few times he's come back and stayed for a month or so and then fallen off the map.


    He hasn't been around since last Halloween - last I heard he was busy with work and real life.



  7. Nice avatar, anna!



  8. Nice subtitle, Primeski.


    Gave me a chuckle.



  9. No big deal. That SD Nihil makes me want to slam my head against a wall.



  10. No big deal.


    Glad it's fixed :D



  11. No need to insult me in other users' profiles.


    Thanks in advance.


    And by the way, Adavardes' question was valid, because you did claim that Bill O said that, and I told you he didn't because I've listened to him too.



  12. No need to spam me.


    Use the Image button when you hit reply...


    or use the tags.



  13. No that was 12:06 PM - noon time here.


    We wanted you to come on and chatz.



  14. No way! That's so cool.


    I haven't seen her in a while :(



  15. No, jmac. No.



  16. Not that I know of :lol:


    It was my 4 year anniversary of LF that Rev7 was talking about :D



  17. Obviously you didn't see the skypelog from two nights ago :lol:



  18. Of course!



  19. oh hi dev!


    glad you're back.



  20. Oh hi there!



  21. Oh, and I'd welcome the chance to chat with you about whatever you'd like :)



  22. Oh, goodness, I haven't done a Model UN in ages. Quite excellent :D Was it a multiple day conference-style one? Which council were you on; your topics?


    You better come back on Skype soon :indif:



  23. Oh, hai Q!



  24. Oh, hai!



  25. Oh, he's from the 2003-2004 era and you're from the 2008 era.


    That's all :)



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