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the 'how good is jedi academy going to be?' poll


how good do you JA will be?  

95 members have voted

  1. 1. how good do you JA will be?

    • magnificent
    • groin-grabbingly great
    • good, very good
    • pleasurable
    • ok
    • meh
    • much room for improvement
    • disappointing
    • bad
    • awful

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I think it needs room for improvement, it is after all just 1.0.


I like it, it's just the customizing that disappointed me, I mean I often saw nice torso's for Kel Dors that would fit so good with a Human head, but it isn't possible.


More costumes, and more ''detailing''.


EDIT: And I really would be angry if some ''JA-is-perfect'' guy came in here and insulted me with a big essay about how I should play JK2 instead and its mods and how I should appreciate JA.


I do, I just don't think its perfect.


Needs polishment.

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I dunno...the first release of anything is gonna have room for improvement...


But frankly, I think even the first release is going to rawk my ass for a while. Hell, I've been playing the demo for the past week over and over again. Of course, I'm easily pleased.


Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. I thought the graphics and customizability were great in the demo, so the release can only be better. A lot better. I mean, there has to be a reason we're paying for the game, right? Right.

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I agree that it's going to be a real gut-buster, though the character customization process doesn't do much but allow you to choose faces, races, torsos, and legs, and not anything like choosing height or weight or changing the features of said selected face. But as long as it's got a good, no a great story line, then I'll give it a shot.

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I fear I'm going to be disappointed in JA. As others stated, the customization of the player is lacking. Yes its better than JO (obviously) but I expected much more.


And dont feed me that nonsense about the mod community...1) I much prefer single player, and 2) the first time you play a game is always the best. No amount of later mod'ing will fix that.


The saber fighting is slightly improved over JO but still could be better. The majority of the attacks make so little sense its unbelievable. I know they have to do things for game balance but I would prefer much more logical sense to the saber swings. i.e. more direct attacks with less useless movements.


The worst thing about the JA demo is the absolutely horrible model animations. I cringe everytime I see Kyle and your player walking across the port toward the Falcon. Looks so incredibly stupid and stiff and the leg movements don't match up to the walking speed. And then there are lots of model clipping problems in the rest of that scene too. Sabers going through your legs, twi lek tails going into the walls, Chewie's bowcaster going through his legs, etc. Even in play the animations are bad. Running with a saber staff looks dumb and when you turn it off, watch as the blade passes through your arm as you spin it.


However, there is hope: the mapping. Screenshots look great. That Chandrilan map is beautiful. That could be the saving grace of the game. Good settings with fun enviornments and strong mapping might make this expansion worthwhile.


But, overall: I've got a bad feeling about this.

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I think it is going to be great, but not groin grabbing good. This is from what I have heard about it and the demo features. Reasons why . . .


1. Non-humans players talk with perfect human voices. No excuse.


2. Haven't played MP.


3. There is one SP map shown in screenshots that is a really ugly city. It is really ugly in texturing.

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well i have to say i'm very optimistic after seeing all the positive replies. my 56k isn't up to downloading the demo, so i'll just have to wait a week before i can see for myself.

now i'm looking forward to it more than i thought was possible :D

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if i remember correctly, the kel dor had some kinda winter gear in screenshots which i personally havent seen, i personally tihnk there were lacking options in both character and saber customization...

also in the full release i hope that some how you can like... somehow... unclick the staff to have the best of both worlds...


i still gave it a groingrabbingly good, i mean it would have been good if it just were new gameplay, no kyle and more npcs etc...

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