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How do you beat the end boss? *MAJOR SPOILER*


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I just turned on Force Speed, rolled forward and stabbed forward. That attack does so much damage that they died the first time.



Also, please edit your subject line so those who have not finished the game don't know about him. Not that it's such a huge surprise, anyway, but some decency should be kept.

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Originally posted by Master William

rofl, the bosses, (in light and dark) are so fricken easy.


Desann was a challenge, but this is pathetic.


Accually I think the dark boss was harder than Desann, Desann didn't heal every 10 seconds when he got below 50% health, and he didn't have absorb or protect, plus you could jump into the thing in the middle and get invincibility or you could crush him by breaking the pillars. I do agree with you on the light boss though.

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Tried it a few times with different scenarios to see what's best. The whack away with force speed seems to work pretty well.


The easiest I found though was using force drain to pump up to 115-120 hp and immediately dark raging em with one saber strong style. One hit does far more damage than with other styles this way.

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  • 1 month later...

Strategy does not work. Its impossible to do enough damage to Ragnos (in Tavions body) to kill him/her/it before she heals back to full again.


If i use force speed, well speed is pretty pathetic it makes everything so hard to control and doesnt seem to affect ragnos, she still avoids most swings and with spreed on she seems to always backpedal out of any stab attacks i make. Even when shes doing that heal thing she seems to block saber swings.

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Originally posted by leXX

I just used absorb and heal. I was quite disapointed with the final fight actually, I found it far too easy.

I found it easier than many of the 'Reborn Masters' I fought starting at Taspir.


Again I see a case where - if they're going to make it that easy, they should have had an explanation. For instance, have her interrupting the ceremony more obviously, so that Tavion is just her normal self and Ragnos isn't fully resurrected - which is what happened, but make it obvious. Make a plot point where you have to destroy something - an alter or whatever - which halts the progress ... and if you fail to make it in time, you have to face a Tavion/Ragnos single boss with 2x hitting power and 10x hit points.



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I thought the light boss was way harder.


The dark one I just medium special'ied to death but the lightie...man..he kicked some serious butt and when he did that I started laughing hysterically and wasn't able to defend myself anymore. :D


I thought Desann was a wimp. I ran in and hacked at him a few times with red stance and he was dead. Game over in like 5 seconds. :(


I guess luck has much to do with beating end-bosses.

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Right, this is far more interesting than whining about the final boss.


When you are about to enter the final room go in carrying the concusion rifle instead of the sabre (I was using double ended and playing dark side) when the cut scene ends you are left with what I have dubbed the 'Concusion Sabre'.


My double ended sabre is stuck on the end of the gun like a propellor, I have tried it twice from the same save game and it worked both times. I can't tell if the range or damage are changed, but the character uses it like a club.


This could quite possibly be very old news in which case I appologise.


I have a screen shot of it and save games if any one wants me to email it to them, apparently I can't post attatchments here.

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Yeah, I thought <that boss person> was quite easy, but maybe that was because I used Dual Sabers.



Die, DIE! Muhahahhahhaa!!!!!! LET THE HATE FLOW THROUGH ME!!! Oh, oops.. er heh, sorry Luke, Kyle, I meant, "I'm sorry it had to end this way for you..."


Whew! Nice save. ; )

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