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New Matrix Revolutions Trailer

Boba Rhett

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Amazing...but another thing I noticed



It looks like something happened to Neo's eyes in the Real World...I'm seeing a cloth around his eyes with a sort of red stain coming from behind it in a lot of scenes


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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

If you look closely at the largest version of the trailer Neo appears to be burnt undernieth the cloth covering his eyes.


That's what I was talking about!

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Originally posted by RoguePhotonic

It's kinda funny the idea about blocking out the sun...it's flawed...it means that almost all plant life on earth would die which means no more air....


Not all plant life was gone and destroyed. According to one of the official site's comics, called "The Miller's Tale", it shows some pictures of a grassland with meadows and trees. So there must be still some oxygen left. Also, some very tough and resistent algae could still be thriving on Earth.


btw that trailer rocks. Nice find Rhett. :thumbsup:

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Ooooh. Another new trailer!


I have to go in about 20 mins so I'll download the middle one. That gives me about 10 mins to watch, get ready and leave.


Thankee Rhett



On the other trailer, we see Neo waking up inside the matrix. This either means he IS defeated by Smith but come back, like in the fisrt film. OR, To get neo out of his coma, they insert him into the matrix. That's what I reckon. But I haven't seen the new trailer so what do I know


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Originally posted by Chase Windu

Not unless they've figured out how to make artificial air. The machines would have had to keep the humans alive somehow.



indeed, i'm sure the governor chap said to neo that one of the machine produces air, or was is just water?

oh well whatever, who cares.. the film rocks!!!



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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

I figure that the darkened skies have gone away, seeing as how long it's been since it was done and that the darkness surrounding the pods is just more of the grand illusion the machines pull off to further the Zion cycle.

THEORY: The machines sucked power out of humans because they need to survive, but what if it's they need to keep the human's numbers small so they won't destroy them.

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Who is the crazy old guy from Enter the Matrix? He punches Neo back into the white wall in Revolutions.


I have wondered that....was a weird scene..."72 hours....that's how long zion lasted last time" :confused:


If you notice when smith is lifting neo up all the ruble behind them...lol their battle must **** all those buildings up :p

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That trailer was awsome. It creates ALOT of questions. Like,






Why does Neo Get the Cloth over his eyes?


I think Bane (The guy Smith controls..I think) Does something to him. Notice the burned type effect around the cloth. And the fact that when Neo see's Smith, he is all firey


How the sky is cleared


How Neo gets to the machine


Although it looks like he uses his new found Real world power to blow up a huge fleet of sentinals. Possible to get into 01. He may have had the cloth on because of the intense heat and light from the explosions (I hope this is the case, I hate when heros are made blind) In which case they probably crash and the machinedude finds them. Notice how the big talking machine plugs neo back into the matrix, possible because they dont have their ship to jack in with.


Neo is trapped in some strange world, why?, how?


Who is the crazy old guy from Enter the Matrix? He punches Neo back into the white wall in Revolutions.



There are alot more than that. I can't wait for everything to finally be answered.





I just realised something. In Reloaded, when Neo talks to the Govenor some things are said that might have a second meaning.


The govenor says 'I can't help feeling we are plugged into them' When talking about the machines that keep them alive. The humans are the only thing keeping the machines working, thus The machines are plugged into the humans. :p


Neo says 'If we wanted, we could shut these machines down'


The governor says 'If we wanted we could smash them to bits. But if we did we would have to consider what would happen to our lights, our heat, our air' (that answers your sky question. I think)


Anyway, what I'm getting at is, that

I think the machines allow neo to speak because Smith wants to destroy the humans. Completely, he hates them. But the machines NEED the humans if they want to 'survive' as it were. So they let Neo live, to stop Smith, but still send the sentinals to the humans, because they want the machines to be stopped. You see?


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