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Why I hate Rancors *spoilers*


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I hate rancors because I hate them!!!! There just so clomsy and doesn't do anything funny!!!


They just stand around and kills. How fun is that.

I think they should be ablr to fly!!! And shot lasers and puke!!!


That would have been fun!!!:deathii::deathstar

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Nice Pic Kurgan. Well Rancors are good when you have a flock of wampa's, i guess you could call them a flock. Its funny when they eat them. I think we should start calling Rancors Mikey, they will eat anything!!! Anything living besides something bigger then them.

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Originally posted by |GG|benny95

I hate rancors because I hate them!!!! There just so clomsy and doesn't do anything funny!!!


They just stand around and kills. How fun is that.

I think they should be ablr to fly!!! And shot lasers and puke!!!


That would have been fun!!!:deathii::deathstar

Seeing rancors eat saber newbies in siege isn't funny???

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Originally posted by |GG|benny95

I hate rancors because I hate them!!!! There just so clomsy and doesn't do anything funny!!!


They just stand around and kills. How fun is that.

I think they should be ablr to fly!!! And shot lasers and puke!!!


That would have been fun!!!:deathii::deathstar


hahahaha!! cos ur n00b. :p

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.....And shot lasers and puke!!!


If I remember correctly the mutant rancor was pretty dangerous to be around, with his bad breath and all...


What would be cool in the game is Rancors you can ride ! Like the Dathomiri Jedi Witches(EU freaks will know what this means....)


And some fun can be achieved with them..... Go to the level with the the sarlaac(sand creature), spawn a rancor, and spawn another sand creature if you like and watch the result....



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Originally posted by SpaceButler13

Can you kill the mutant rancor like you can the normal? I guess I could spend hours hacking in vain, but hopefully someone knows.

Q: Is the Mutant Rancor Killable.



Nope. The mutant Rancor is invincible. The regular one is killable, but they respawn ad infinatum




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