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The Matrix Restarted


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(Out of character: Not to be a party pooper, but I think none of our characters should be the One. Just make it happen at the same time between Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolution, so this way Neo is the One. To be honest, if someone is going to be the One, this RPG is gonna get out of control...like that'z my opinion.)

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ive read through both matrix rpgs and i reeeeeealy want to join :D

BUT, since there allready are many characters in game, and it would complicate things to have another crew/hacker-to-free, is there any way any of you could give up one of your multiple/npc characters, it would be great :D

If not, maybe i could be a freed one without a crew, waiting in Zion to be recruited to one of the ships? (waiting until one of you to die...(not to be a cold-blooded bastard, of course))

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((OOC Herminator, just be someone at Zion training to be picked up, and we'll pick you up on one of the ships on our next visit, and NeoVenom we can't exactly say Neo is the one, beacuse then someone's going to want to control Neo. But yeah, lets not say there is a "The One." Then again, I know a way to keep it simple. Let's have the ship Neo is on, and if Neo ever comes into play in the story, the Thread Starter gets to use Neo. That drops all arguements and really is only fair, but if anything, I say that that Jokemaster should be The One, after all this is HIS RP))


Outcast picked up his phone and answered the ship, "Go ahead NeoVenom, Wolf will log you in, good luck." Wolf logged NeoVenom into the Matrix.


Outcast turned to the group. ""Now, as you thought in the Matrix, it was the year 1999. It is actually closer to 2199, but what year is it exactly? I can't tell you, because quite frankly, I don't know." He turned on the TV. "This is what you see in the Matrix. A working business economy, as you would think the world is. However, it's more like this." He seemed to change the channel and it showed a horrifying view of what was left of the city seen previously in the Matrix. "This is what it is like now. The machines have taken over the world, and we are forced to live underground until we can find a way to fight back." Suddenly the area changed, and they were sitting in the same chairs, but in the area of the destroyed city.

"Welcome...to the Real World."

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NeoVenom finds himself in a basement of a building. He then hears the phone ring on a table to his far right. He walks over to the table and picks up the receiver. "I'm in. Let Selene know that I'm in already."


NeoVenom then checks his guns and makes sure they are fully loaded. He waits to see if he gets a call from either Selene, one of her crew members, or from Wolf to his cell phone. He walks over and looks out thru one of the dirty windows.

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((I say no, and I recall my earlier statement what Outcast said, and I wish i never said it :-P It would be better if we didn't have a "The One" because then itll get too complicated and people will get jealous blah blah blah blah blah. Besides, its more interesting if our characters have to WORK to survive in the Matrix instead of relying on The One.))


Outcast smirked and said, "No, only in Zion, the only place we can call home, do we have indoor plumbing. After all, where would we store it on the ship? Let's not get into that."

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Outcast looked at him and then suddenly all of them were logged out. Wolf looked at them and grinned. "Lunch time." Hunter and Raven groaned, and looked at Outcast. Outcast grinned at the three and said, "You ask about DVDs, wait till you see what food we have left from being forced underground."

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Selene sent a message to The Solaris "Wolf, tell Neovenom to meet Cinder and Frost at the subway station on Glendon St."


As Tepe drove down the buissy streets of the matrix his cell phone began to ring, "Tepe it's Selene, rondez-vous with Cincer and Frost at the subway station on Glendon st. when your done with whatever your doing."


Cinder and Frost jacked into the matrix. They both wore leather jackets and pants, with a white shirt underneath and white leather boots up to their knees. The only difference between the albino twins was that Frost had blue leather and Cincer had red leather. They both wore two holsters around their waistes with semi-automatic pistols, Frost had a shotgun slung over a shoulder and a belt of shells around her waist, while Cinder carried a sniper rifle in a black case.


The phone rang and Cincer answered it, "We're in."


"Head for the subway station on Glendon st." Said Holster on the other end.




Imperial rose to her feet, she was breathing heavily for she had been running from an agent for quite some time, it seemed like she had finally lost him.


Her mind was swimming with questions, she had jacked into the matrix not too long ago to drop off the package, and she had jacked in alone, she had too, she, the operator, and the captain were the only three left alive. The sentinels had been persuing them and they stoped briefly to drop off the package, but when she picked up the phone to jack out it had gone suddenly dead. When her cell phone recieved no answer she knew why, they were all dead. But why was she still alive? The sentinels must have reached their ship before she could jack out and killed the remaining crew, but why would they leave her alive?


As she thought about this there came a sound of footprints from around the corner where she had come from, her immediate impulse was to run but she hesitated, she knew it was an agent. She cleared her mind and began to run, and she could hear the footsteps behind her chasing her, as she rounded the next corner she her a few shots fired from behind her. How much longer could she keep this up?

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Tyrion was searching for "The one". His searches on Google had turn up short. He knew he'd have to look deeper. However, his stomach rumbled for some food. He came back with a sandwhich and Dr. Pepper, however he didnt want to eat after he saw the text on the monitor.


"Ignore your current duties. Please report to Subway Station on Glendon st. Bring your Desert Eagle with you, and be prepared to kill. If you fail, or do not respond, we will find you. And terminate you."


Tyrion thought that this was getting dangerous. His ultimatium meant that he had a chance of dying either way, but he knew what he had to do. However, he noticed that he wasnt issued a Desert Eagle, nor did he even know how to use one. But, as he thought of it, the text erily changed.


"The desert eagle is in your drawer under the monitor, as well is the pictures of your targets and a badge detailing that you are an employee of the government. Dont worry about your proficiency, we took care of that. Goodbye."


Tyrion jumped a bit, wondering how they knew what he was thinking. Maybe it was coincidence. Maybe it was something deeper, even worse. But that matter little, he wondered if there really was a desert eagle there. He opened his drawer, and to his amazement there was a desert eagle there, along with two extra clips of bulletes, and the pictures of his targets. He stuffed most of it into his coat, then he went off to the subway.


"Glendon st. Subway Station. There it is..let's see...I wish I wouldnt have to do this." Tyrion never liked to kill. He was rather like a pacifist. However, he understood that this was both for his own safety, and the fact that these targets are probably criminals. He wondered why his employers didnt handle this themselves, but it mattered little right now. He knew his job, and he knew what he had to do.


The subway was rather full, which meant that he wondered how he'd do his job without getting shot by the local police. Then he remembered his badge, and thought it'd be best to put it outside his coat pocket.


He looked at the picture of the would-be victims, and noticed that names appeared under them. Odd, didnt notice that before. Cinder, Frost, and Neovenom. Odd names, then again he remembered his alias. Not as odd now, it seemed. He leaned against one of the collums, waiting for his targets.


(By the way, this is in New York. So sorry if somehow I traveled hundreds of miles to head to Glendon st. :p)

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((I think in the matrix theres only one city, but I'm not sure, and it doesn't matter.))


Frost and Cinder headed into the subway by an emergency exit as to avoid walking through crowds with visible guns. They didn't want to attract unnessesary attention. The albino twins stored their larger weapons in lockers in a back room and then moved on to the meeting place with only one pistol each, small but leathal. The two of them strolled in side by side and headed for the center of the station. Standing by a large pillar they chatted about old times, not expecting any trouble, Holster would call them if there was seriouse danger or if Neovenom and Tepe arrived.



((I'm wondering how these government people knew that we'dd be in the subway station?))

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(( The government people are Agents, so they tapped into your cell phone conversation. Or something.))


"Hmm..cant seem to find anyone that matches these pictures...wait.."


Tyrion moved in closer to the twins, changing looks between the picture and the twins. He knew they were the ones he was after..however, something just wasnt right. They seem to have an aura around them..as if they were powerful. But Ty knew what he had to do. It was simple. Just a few shots and he would be done with his task. He went in close, and pulled out his Desert Eagle and aimed it at Frost's head, point blank. Took a breath, and prepared to fire. Everything seem to be so simple.


Unfortunately, simple things have an awful way of turning into difficult things, often changing what you knew as the world.

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