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Jedi War


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Suddenly, Shade woke up. He looked around him and then got to his feet. He searched the room for his lightsabers and when he found them, he ignited them. He felt the presence of another dark jedi on the base. Together, they might be able to flee. Shade walked out off the room, and when a guard asked him how he felt, Shade quickly choppped off his head. After a short walk, he found Fisher. He didn't need to speak, the offer was clear. The dark side was flowing through Shade, making him stronger by the second.

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Kilmor stumbled from the desrted building where he had fought the Dark Jedi. He was exhausted and sweaty. But a moment later, he sensed another Dark presence, very near by. Kilmor forwned and pulled out his lightsaber. Who could it be? fisher? What would Fisher be doing out of his cell?


Kilmor ran into the hangar bay and looked around. He spotted a disappearing figure. The figure was using the Force to turn invisible. Only a Dark Jedi could do that. Who could it be?

Kilmor used Force Seeing to penetrate the Dark Jedi's disguise, and almost choked. It was Shade!

"Shade!" Kilmor yelled, very unwisely. The Dark Jedi vanished completely. Kilmor came to a halt, his lightsaber humming. What was going on?

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Kilmor's eyes narrowed. "You forgot the third option, Shade; I defeat you."


He ignited both of his lightsabers. "I used to be on the Dark Side myself, working for the legendary Jerec. It didn't give me power or happiness. The Light Side has. It will be the same for you."


Kilmor lashed out his foot, bringing Shade to the ground, and lunged forward.

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Kilmor massaged his sore arms and wiped the sweat off of his forehead. Being a Jedi sure was draining. Kilmor rolled both of the Dark Jedi over and tied their hands and feet behind them with a special type of wire that shocked them if they moved too sharply or quickly. then he locked them in seperate cells at opposite ends of the base to keep them from making plans. "Let's see you escape this!" Kilmor muttered.

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