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Jedi War


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Kilmor's clone didn't move for his lightsaber. "Now that you have figured out who I am, you probably also remember I'm a Sith. Which means I wasn't at all sent by Kilmor. I'm here to help you."




Kilmor felt a disturbance in the Force. There was a very Dark presence nearby, and it was giving him a sick feeling. Something is very wrong here, Kilmor thought. He only got this kind of feeling when there was a group of Dark Jedi nearby. And as far as he knew, Shade and Fisher were at seperate parts at the building. How could he be getting this sensation?

Kilmor halted his slowly moving ship. "Sorry, Apo," Kilmor said through the comlink. "I have a feeling I'm still needed here." Kilmor slid back out of his cockpit and locked it. Then he pulled out his lightsaber and heade for Fisher's cell, because Fisher had the strongest connection with the Force.

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Apo knew what was happening."Kilmor keep sharp this may be another antic from the essense of the dark side"(((See the life of a Jedi Rpg)))Apo leads the assult on the sith.they arrive on the academy and imedeitly attack the super star destroyer and the infantry goes to the academy to infaltrate the base.(((They dont kno we are here yet so be sneak like you kno return of the jedi stuff)))While the others fight Apo sneaks into the destroyer and locks their comunications so nooone can call for help.

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Kilmor's clone whirled around. "Yes, he must have sensed me. Being his clone, we sorta have a connection through the Force, so it's not easy to hide from him."

The evil clone pulled out both of his lightsabers. "It's 3 vs. 1, guys. Let's finish him off!"




When Kilmor reached Fisher's cell, he found it empty. He was a little surprised, but he had predicted this would happen. The Dark presence was growing stronger. Kilmor's gut instinct screamed at him to leave now, but Kilmor needed to track these Dark Jedi down. If they managed to band together and find others to serve their cause, they could very well overpower the Jedi.

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Kilmor was inspecting Fisher's cell when something stopped him cold in his tracks. Right around the corner, he heard the very familiar hissing of an ignited lightsaber, and three ominous words in Fisher's voice: "Let's get him."

Oh, God, Kilmor thought. The Dark presence was more than one person. There was three. Two was already half impossible, but three? Kilmor almost ignited his lightdsaber, but he knew that this once, it was better to flee. Three angry Sith versus one Jediw with no connection to anyone else was trouble. Kilmor, for the first time for as long as he could remeber, turned on his heel and ran for his life towards the hangar door, but he kept his lightsabers out.

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Apo ran through the super star destroyer and finally planted his virus but he also picked up valuble information."Well they can call for help so i should"Apo takes control of the ship and lands it on largest water peice of Endor.Apo gets out flys his ship close to the suth base and quietly sneaks closer to it.

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Kilmor immediately knew Fisher was after him. He used the Force to increase his speed, then pulled out his disruptor rifle and squeezed some bursts at Fisher, giving him ample time to back-flip through the opening hangar door and leap into his spaceship. He had one more chance to stop these Sith. He gunned his engines and blasted out of the hangar.

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"Here goes nothing," Namin muttered. He fired a small projectile onto Shade's hull. It immediately cmagnetically attached itself. Shade's shp appeared on Namin's side screen, and he steered his ship towards where the signals were coming from. Kilmor was not planning to shoot Shade, after helping him with the Dark Jedi and being his friend, more or less. He planned to hit him with an ion cannon, and then try to bring him back to the Light.

Kilmor glanced over at the tracker screen, and blasted after his enemy. Eventually Shade was in view. Kilmor fired up the ion cannon, and tried to establish a link with Sahde through the comlink so he could talk to him.

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Kilmor activated a mini-tractor beam and locked Shade into it so he couldn't escape. Then Namin turned to answer Shade. "I'll get back to you in a sec," he said briefly, and then his ship vanished from view. He flew his invisible ship towards Fisher. Then he fired both of his side cannons, ripping one of Fisher's wings off. This time, Fisher was either killed or he escaped. Namin had chosen the first option, as one life gone was better than the whole downfall of the Jedi.

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((What? Do you guys think i sit around waiting for people to post?))

Fisher quickly started trying to manipulate the ship into the correct position, the top of the ship aiming toward the planet, and more importantly, the hangar that still had some ships in it. He quickly ejected the co<kpit, propelling himself straight towards the planet.

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"Darn it, I can't control both of these guys at once."

Just then, Kilmor saw all the lights in Shade's ship turn back on, and his tracker screen flickered the red words SYSTEM OVERRIDE.

"Oh great, he overrid(sp?) the ion cannon and tractor beam!! How'd he do that so fast?!"


Kilmor turned his ship and tried to lock Shade in his tractor beam again, but Shade had escaped too quickly. He turned towards Fisher, but Fisher had already made it back. Klmor had failed. He had to get back and warn the Council! He turned and shot off towards Courascant.

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